Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Holiday Recap And Free Stuff For The New Year

Welps, as we are officially days into 2006, I figured I'd better get a post up on the blog. So... My holiday was fantastic. I mean FANTASTIC! I hope yours was too. A few high points:

-Snowmobiling! Too much fun! But I was sore the next day! How out of shape am I!?

-The Pool Table. Anytime we had a lull in the day at the house in Bend, my brother and I would head upstairs and battle it out. Neither of us play very well, so we could get a lot of entertainment out of each and every pathetic game.

-SNOW! Bend had a warm spell over our visit and a lot of the snow melted. But luckily, our last few days, we had steady snowfall. I had never snowboarded in real, fluffy, powdery snow. Falling down is so much nicer in that stuff!

-Airport Reunions. After an unexpectedly long day of travel from Bend to Portland (including 3 hours in a dead rental car on a mountain road, in a snow storm), we ran into my friends Jessica, Gary and Jackson in the airport bar. We were on the same flight home! Thank goodness it was delayed 2 hours or we never would have made it. The plane ride was a lot nicer after a glass of wine.

Anywhoodles...enough of that. Onto 2006! Have you a New Year's resolution? I usually opt out of this little tradition, but this year, I thought I'd give it a go. And thanks to the Discovery Channel, I'm getting a little more help than I thought I would.

Did you know you can get a 2 month free membership to Bally Total Fitness just for signing up with their National Body Challenge? Free stuff is fun! Register here:

Sorry to cut this short, but things are surprisingly busy here at the the office. Fingers crossed, 2006 will bring us continued success at STC.

Happy New Year Everyone!


Blogger Russell said...

Did you vote 'no' on my poll? I'll cheer you on!

4:14 PM  

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