Tuesday, December 06, 2005

CReW World Record

I know most of you who check in with my blog aren't skydivers, but every now and then, something in the sport comes along that I think everyone can appreciate in one way or another.

CReW is an acronym for canopy relative work. Basically, it is when skydivers link up under canopy. Recently a new world record was set with a diamond formation of 85 people. It was estimated that the formation was over 275 feet tall, 175 feet wide and weighed over 17,500 pounds! Once complete, they held it for 17 seconds.

This is a truly stunning example of teamwork. I thought you might enjoy seeing a few photos...

I grabbed the photos and info from these sites:
http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/safety/detail_page.cgi?ID=611 http://cfworldrecord.com/2005/


Blogger Russell said...

Unbelievable. Is that you in the middle?

10:46 AM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

no way! CReW scares the crap out of me! when i have friends creep close under canopy just for fun, my response is usually the same...


11:14 AM  

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