Friday, December 16, 2005

Tunnel Time

Hi.... I'm Lara... My blog sucks, because I lag. Ha ha ha!

Crazy times lately, my peeps. It's been awesome having a full social calendar, but I'm not going to lie, Grandma Lara is having a hard time keeping up. I'm looking forward to a little downtime up in Oregon. (I'll post about that next week.) So... yeah... just wanted to apologize for not keeping up on the blogishness.

Anyway, it's going to be a big weekend, and I'll try and get a recap up on Monday. But I thought it would be fun to throw a little info up about what I am doing on Sunday...

Did you know we have a wind tunnel open to the public here in So. Cal? We do! It was big news when they decided to build one out here, because before, skydivers had to migrate out to FL for a decent tunnel to train in.

Sure, there are a few others out there, like the one in Vegas, but it's not on the same level as the FL tunnel. And there are some fantastic ones on military bases, have to be in the military.

Anyway, the tunnel craze has taken off big time and in the year or so since the Perris, CA tunnel opened, another has popped up in AZ and now there are plans for one in CO. They keep getting bigger and better each time they build a new one. At 14 feet wide, the one in AZ can even fit a 6 person team in at the same time!

Now, I did have a few minutes in the Vegas tunnel once, but I've never been in any of the others. So I really haven't had the new and improved tunnel experience yet. This Sunday, they are having a toy drive out at the one in Perris, so I thought, that's my cue. I've booked 10 minutes in the afternoon and I can't wait!

Working on technique in the tunnel is an amazing tool for skydivers. It allows you to really pinpoint what skills you need to work on. My friend Erin is going to serve as my coach that day, and I think she'll be a big part of any progress I make during that session. She is one of the best skydivers I know.

But the tunnel isn't just for skydivers! Quite a bit of their business comes from non-jumpers who want to experience the feel of freefall without having to plummet at the earth at 120 mph.

If you are interested, please let me know! I have friends who work there and they'd be happy to help organize a group outing to the 909.

For more information, check out their site here:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel left out.... :(
I'm going, too!

Shark, the left out one. :)

11:45 PM  

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