Monday, November 21, 2005

Toilet Engrish

due to lack of time, i've not been able to post regularly. alas, i am a poor blogger. on the other hand, my friend russell keeps up with his pretty much daily. if you saw my very first post, you would know, he is the one that first inspired me to create blogalicious.

anyway...a while back, he put a post up about a site that scales out the universe and mentioned something about how very small we are, etc etc etc...

so i, being the very deep and intellectually superior individual i am, replied to that post with this:


i figured when contemplating one's place in the universe, a beevis and butthead reference is always appropriate. of course, when i read the reply that followed mine (not that there is anything wrong with a serious reply), it kind of took the wind out of my potty humor sails...


luckily, i can always count on to return my faith and hope in the world. it reminded me, you can never go wrong with a proper "uranus" reference.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is exactly why we get along...slightly concerned with that realization, but totally over it.

12:59 AM  
Blogger Ferg said...

Totally didn't mean to take the wind out of your potty humor sails! I've got a soft spot for astronomy. Don't worry, I'm typically just a juvenile as the next guy :)

12:51 PM  
Blogger Russell said...

I like comments of all types. Light and hilarious or deep and intellectual.

2:14 PM  

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