Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What's In A Name?

Last Thursday night, Joanne and Russell made the long trek down to Tustin to have dinner with Kristine and I. One of the conversation topics was the uniqueness of our names. I had mentioned that I googled my name a while back and found no results for anyone but myself.

Well apparently Joanne went poking around on the internet during a stint of insomnia and found this:


Interesting. Good find Joanne! Half the people I know do actually call me Laura instead of Lara, so I guess this is the closest I'm going to get to having a name twin.

Of course, it's kind of nice to know that I'm still the one and only Lara Michalek.

Man...what the heck did we do with ourselves before the internet? =P~


Anonymous Anonymous said...

At least three people call you Lair-ruh as well.

9:21 AM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

yes, but you do that on purpose to be irritating, not because you can't get lah-rah out of your mouth.

i have one friend who has such a hard time with it, she just calls me "flower".

whatever works...

9:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some people get productive with their insomnia...I just get 'tarded.

Besides, when you have a Japanese friend, you should not expect them to pronounce right. Huh, Rara?

1:42 PM  
Blogger Russell said...

Just don't call Joanne, Joanie.

2:11 PM  

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