Monday, December 19, 2005

10,000 Calorie Weekend

Well, it was quite a weekend! I got to spend time with so many friends, it was the best early Christmas present I could have asked for!

We had a slumber party at the apartment on Friday night.

And, as usual the main focus was the food. I knew a pot luck with this group would be dangerous... but I had no idea just how bad it would be. The twins even brought 2 giant pans filled with desserts. Hello!?

Of course, the damage done the night before didn't stop us from hitting IHOP Saturday morning. I had the chocolate chip pancakes. So goooood!

Then on Saturday night, Jenell had her annual ornament exchange/eating extravaganza. The woman lives to cook. You really can't beat handmade tortillas and carne asada. I'm not even going to talk about all of the other stuff she had to eat, it will just make you hungry.










By Sunday, I was 5 pounds heavier than I was 2 days earlier, and thus, barely able to fit into my jumpsuit. After shoe-horning myself into it, I was ready for my first tunnel adventure!


What a blast! I only had a 10 minute block, but the way they split it up, you really feel like you get a lot of bang for your buck. Erin helped me a ton with my technique. We did drills the entire time. (Sorry for the poor photo quality.)

My friend Mark generously gave up his last 2 minutes so that all 3 of us could play together. Too much fun!

I knew the tunnel would be a good time, but I really had no idea how awesome it would be. I'm hooked! I'll surely be heading back again soon, so if anyone wants to join me, let me know.

My friend Grasshopper met me after the tunnel for dinner, and because downtown Perris isn't a dining metropolis, we ended up at IHOP... where I had chocolate chip pancakes AGAIN! Obviously that took care of any calories I might have burned in the tunnel.

So... fantastic weekend! Fattening...but fantastic! Oh well, I guess a little extra insulation ought to help with the cold weather in Oregon. Yeah... I'll just keep telling myself that. HA!

Less than a week to go until Christmas! I can hardly stand it! Woohoo!


Blogger My Daily Struggles said...

Happy holidays. Make it red and green.

11:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did they have to turn the fan up higher in order to hoist your newly acquired mass?

1:13 PM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

sure... post anonymously so i don't know who to punch. =P~

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I think if I said that I'd already be dead by now.

2:16 PM  
Blogger Russell said...

Awesome tunnel pictures! That just might be the closest I can ever get to skydiving.

Thanks for taking care of my wife at your place. :)

10:18 AM  

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