Monday, September 19, 2005

Off To Greece We Go...

It was a busy weekend of hirotsu sukiyaki/fondue/atari, birthday celebrations for jamie, and other fun outings, but really, all i can think about at this point is greece...of course, i am yet to pack.

IT'S FINALLY TIME!!! oh how i have been anticipating this vacation. i can't even put it into words.

for those of you who don't know, i'm greece-bound for a contiki tour with 2 very good friends, kristine and christy. (i'm not going to lie, i feel a little left out that my name isn't krista or something like that.)

anyway, i'm so excited, i can't stand it. for those interested, here is our itinerary:

Day 1: Depart USA (20 September)

Day 2: Arrive Athens: Make your own way to the Hotel then the rest of the day is free to explore Athens at your leisure. This evening we meet at 7:30pm for an introduction briefing and welcome drink with your Tour Manager and fellow travelers.

Day 3: Athens Sightseeing: We begin this morning with a half day sightseeing tour of the Acropolis, Temple of Zeus and the first Olympic Stadium with an expert local guide. This afternoon is yours to explore on your own. Perhaps visit the National Archeological Museum, wander the Plaka area or, at night, visit the Acropolis sound and light show. Discover Greek food and folklore at an evening of traditional Greek dancing!

Day 4: Athens to Olympia: Today we stop and see the impressive Corinth Canal as we cross the Peloponnese and continue to the Palace of Agamemnon at Mycenae. Walk through the Gate of the Lions and see the sinister beehive tomb before arriving in Olympia. Join our local guide as we visit the site of the Olympic Stadium where the games were first held in 776 BC.

Day 5: Olympia to Delphi: We start the day early to cross the Corinthian Gulf by ferry and drive to Delphi, the sacred town of antiquity. We visit the site, the Temple of Apollo and the treasury of the Athenians.

Day 6: Delphi to Kalambaka: We drive over the foothills of Mount Parnassus taking the scenic route towards Lamia and onto Kalambaka. We visit one of the dramatic monasteries of Meteora built high above the rock pinnacles.

Day 7: Kalambaka to Mykonos: This morning drive through the fertile region of Thessaly once described as the “bread basket” of ancient Greece to Thermopylae to see the memorial to Leonidas and his brave Spartans. Later we arrive at Piraeus to take our ferry to Mykonos.

Day 8: Mykonos at Leisure: Relax and enjoy Contiki’s exclusive resort on Mykonos Island.

Day 9: Mykonos at Leisure: Relax and enjoy Contiki’s exclusive resort on Mykonos Island.
Day 10: Mykonos - Athens: We take the ferry back to Athens and transfer to our hotel.

Day 11:
Depart Athens: The tour ands after breakfast. (30 September)


I'll give it my best effort to get a post in here or there while we're running around, but I'm not going to lie, if it is a choice between an umbrella drink on the beach and sitting behind a computer terminal at an internet cafe, i'll probably opt for the first choice. I'll have a full review upon our return to the good old US of A.

Friday, September 16, 2005


Chances are, if you are reading this blog, you have already heard me ramble on about how fantastic Felix's is. They have some of the best Cuban food around, at the cheapest prices, and it sits right in the middle of one of the cutest places in the OC, the Orange Circle.

I hadn't been in a while, so last night, I met up with my friend Jason for some rice and beans and some serious tres leches cake. So tasty! If you must have the cake.

Thanks for a fun time out, Jason! So good to catch up!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Kevin Sasaki first turned me on to a long time ago. I try to keep up with it, but I usually only end up checking the site out once every few months.

Luckily, he keeps me posted about certain prize additions. Here is what he sent me today:

This site is supposed to be pretty good about posting authentic items, not PhotoShopped images. But either way, this is just priceless.

Stuff like this only makes me long to be yellow even more. *Sigh*

Snow and Fatty

Well, with "Snow" and "Fatty" gone from "So You Think You Can Dance", I have less passion for the show. We lost Ryan too last night, and although I loved him, he wouldn't have won, so he might as well go now.

It's going to be tough trying to decide between my happy little Nick and hot hips Artem. But really, I'll be good with a win for either of them. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Artem is up for elimination this time around, but if ever there was anything right with America, he won't get the boot over Jamile. So...I guess we'll just have to wait and see... Oh the drama I face in my life.

So who was the real star of last night? Zicam! Who? Zicam is this homeopathic stuff that is supposed to shorten the length of a cold, if you catch it fast enough.

Jessica brought her cold with her when she came to visit Tuesday night and I think it stayed with me. Yesterday, I definitely felt the start of a cold. So, I decided to give this stuff a shot, since I don't want to take any risks with Greece coming up quick. They have nasal spray, oral spray, quick dissolve tabs, and these handy little swabs. I'll keep you posted about its success or failure, but I'm already feeling better, so it's looking good!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Return To Gilmore

It's been a long summer of crap TV and reruns, but now, the season premiers have begun. (Insert trumpets and fanfare here.) After a months of anticipation by both Kristine and I (and Jessica McLin, who came over for the big event), Gilmore Girls started up again last night. Hooray!

We weren't waiting to see who died after the bomb went off in the warehouse, nor were we anticipating the answer to who shot the drummer at the big concert, etc...really it wasn't answers to questions from last season we were looking forward to (although it was nice to actually hear Luke tell Lorelai that he would indeed marry her), but actually, it's just that Gilmore Girls is a very well-written show with believable characters and just enough chaos to keep you on the edge of your seat. If you haven't seen it, you should check out the early episodes on ABC family (weekdays at 5:00 pm)...or just jump right in with the new season.

Anyway, it was a great start to the season! Somebody please remind me to set my parents' TiVo to catch the next 2 episodes while we're in Greece.

My favorite reference in last night's Gilmore episode: Benson

Do you remember Benson? I do. I loved this show. I haven't seen it in forever, but I remember watching reruns as far back as when I was living on the planet Oregon. (I was 8 when we moved from there.) Although, I think when I was that young, I didn't quite understand the social issues being addressed. I just thought it was funny. Ahhh Benson, it's been a long time old friend.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cooking Showdown!

No...It's not "Iron Chef", it's better. If you haven't seen it, you are missing out. It's Cooking Showdown, and it airs on Saturday nights at 8:00 pm. If we can help it, you will usually find Kristine and I on the couch and ready to watch at 7:50 pm. (Yes, we are party animals, I know.)

The premise? They have 2 main hosts and each has a side to promote. Each side has a dish. Then, there are a number of random Japanese celebrity-ish people who operate as the panel of judges. They "vote" 3 times during the show for WHICH! (or DOTCH! as it is said on the show) is the best dish.

Here is the catch, only the people who make their final vote with the majority actually get to eat. The others have to sit by and watch.

The bulk of the show is spent showing why each dish is special and how it will be prepared. Throughout this process, the panel is free to comment. You can be sure that in every episode you will hear at least one shrill "TABETAI!" (I want to eat that!) and usually a few "SUGOI!" (amazing!).

But it's great, because they translate the whole show into English for you. So you know exactly what is going on. See the captioning on the frame below. It's good times...

Kevin Sasaki was nice enough to dig up a few images to use, and if he continues to be my research intern, I'll try and make sure to have a Showdown recap every week.

So this week was Chicken Katsu vs. Pork Saute...

I was struggling with my choice. I really like chicken katsu, but usually as a part of a curry plate. Still, it looked really good...that is...until...THEY RUINED IT WITH THE STUPID TOMATOES! *sigh* (This didn't make it into the Yamabuki post, but along with fish, I have no love for tomatoes.)

Kristine on the other hand, was pork all the way. (Even though she does love her some chicken katsu every now and then.) However, she really leaned to the pork side when they announced they'd be stuffing the chicken with cheese. This is when I learned about her little issue with food touching each other.

Now, she covers this little issue pretty well. I've known her now least 15 years, and I had no idea that food touching each other was a problem. Apparently her ideal world is one where all food items come in separate dishes. Oh the things you learn. So don't think you are doing her any favors if you bring her a casserole. You are only serving her up a giant blob of her own personal hell.

So anyway...the vote went back and forth a bit as they showcased the preparation, but in the end, pork won out, 5 to 2.

I'll have better play by plays in the weeks to come, as I won't have to explain the basics of the show. Keep your fingers crossed for a good menu next week. I fear that with chicken and pork this week, we may be facing a fish dish. Boooo!

The Missed Memo - Part II

Okay, it's not that I think Melissa isn't paying attention to the memos, but seriously...

Monday, September 12, 2005

How To Excel with Excel

M & M came to visit me at work to day for a little Excel training. Yay!
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They brought me Pollo for lunch! So Tasty!

Unfortunately, Melissa didn't get the memo about our "pink attire only" rule.

The Ever-Growing Herd

Well, it was inevitable...

When I went with the farmer to see the kitties on Friday, he said he was concerned because he hadn't seen "the baby". But, he figured she would make an appearance in the evening and shrugged it off.

Well, when he went over for the dinner buffet, one of the guys from the ice house called him over and said that "the baby" had been under the building for the whole day. So, in went the good farmer, crawling through mud and spider webs... He eventually emerged with "the baby" in one hand. That was all it took, and now "the baby" resides at the Michalek zoo.

Really though, how could you not take this home with you?

I keep saying "the baby" because she doesn't have a name yet. I'm not sure if she'll be up for adoption or not. But there are plenty more where she came from, so seriously, anyone looking for a kitty to give a home, please let me know!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Farmer Ed

If I ever win a million dollars, I'm going to buy my father 100 acres somewhere so that he can pick up every stray animal out there and take them to live happily ever after at Rancho Michalek.

As most of you know, my precious Cooper and Cami came to us from the parking lot behind Stater Bros., next to the office. Dad, Mom and I raised them from 2 days old. I'm so lucky to have them. They really are awesome cats!

After getting these 2 in and taken care of, Dad set out to rescue the others, with the idea they'd be adopted out. Right. Now, my parents have 5 cats living in their house.

That parking lot was cat-free for a while, but recently, business has picked back up. Dad has been making 2 trips over daily for the food fest. The kitties know him now and even come running when they hear him call to them. They love farmer Ed.

I have a feeling that the farmer will be herding some cats soon. He will get them fixed and probably de-wormed and all that good stuff. So if you know anyone interested in adopting a cat or cats, please send them my way. Take it from me, the Stater Bros alley cats are a great breed! =)


Oh the tasty-ness! My outing to DowntownDisney last night proved to be incredibly successful. Not only did I find a bathing suit for Greece, but I also got to enjoy a very yummy dinner at Yamabuki with Joanne, Russ and "the roommate".

We spent most of the time talking about food. Conclusions: I don't like fish, Russ hates melon (which made me feel even better about my mom not letting dad name me Melanie), Kristine hates coconut (Joanne concurs) and none of us have much love for Quiznos.

Other interesting tidbits from the evening: Buster Hirotsu has a little gas problem, look for a post on their Blog about this "issue" soon. Haagen Daz is screwing up big time by not offering their little cups of green tea ice cream here in America. And finally, if you have finished eating, and they ask you for a 5th time if you want a refill on your coke, it's time to go.

On the way to the car, I decided to find myself a little omiyage (souvenir). When I found an appropriate item, Russ was kind enough to take a picture...there was a comment made that an outing with me sober is just as entertaining as those with drunk people. I'm not sure how to take that...but alas, I think it may be true.

Why don't you people tell me not to make faces like this? Geez, I look like something from the shining. I will say this though, my souvenir matches my new bathing suit (in the clear bag) well. How convenient!!

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Jenell's Birthday Extravaganza/Labor Day

What a weekend! I actually had a social life over Labor Day weekend. Who would have thought!?

The troops rallied together Saturday to celebrate Miss Jenell's birthday. We took the train to Del Mar to watch the ponies run, and it was so much fun! Hey that rhymed!

Here is how the day unfolded... Meet at the train station, drink, get on train, drink, freak out because part of our group missed the train, celebrate with a drink when they made it on the train at the irvine station, take the trolley to the track, drink, bet, drink, cheer for the ponies, drink, head to pizza port, drink, eat a whole lot of pizza, take the train home.

When it was all said and done, grandma Lara actually managed to keep up with the party crew. I couldn't be more proud...and I'm sure my mom would concur.

I spent Sunday trying to re-hydrate after the chaos of the day before with lemon slushies and soda. (The recommended fix for dehydration of the Surgeon General.) I met up with Jenn, her husband, Dean, and his visiting friend Gavin at the Orange Street Fair. I have to say, we weren't in our best form, but we managed to sample a good amount of the food. Right now, I'm really wishing I had that egg roll and burrito I passed over that day.

After stuffing ourselves, we headed to Newport for the rest of the day. It was a gorgeous day and once we were baked properly, we hit the bar scene. Figuring no visit to the OC is complete without a bucket from Sharkeez, we headed to the pier area. But after witnessing one of the most pathetic shows of desperation to get in by some chick claiming to be a local celeb, we decided to hit the blue beet instead. We had the roof to ourselves there...and although it meant missing out on partying with some guy named "Favi" the afore mentioned "Newport celeb" was screaming about knowing, it suited us just fine.

A quick trip to the Newport Brewing Company for food finished off the day nicely.

Monday...the couch and I were one. Ahhh back to the proper life of a golden girl.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Mi Companion

Well, now that I am getting the hang of this blog thing, I figure I'll just spend the rest of this day creating pointless entries that nobody will really be reading.

Here you see a photo of the artist formorly known as Ferrer. I have knowledge that she too is experiencing the pain of being at work on the Friday afternoon before Labor Day weekend.

Hi friend! Hang in there! Only a few more hours left...

Trial run... it is the friday before labor day and i cannot seem to get any of my clients on the phone or get my father to focus on what we really need to be doing here at work, i figured i would do something i never thought i would do...create a blog.

really, i know crap about blogs. but, what the hell...let's give this a shot. gotta get edumacated sometime.

thanks to mr. & mrs. hirotsu for inspiring me. of course, i know i'll never be able to be as entertaining as russ. as a tribute, i'll use my "southpark lara" image here for practice.

so...let's try adding an image...egad, that is gigantic! does one resize...oh...that's how.

hmmm...this is kind of fun. who knew wasting a work day could be so entertaining?!