Friday, September 09, 2005


Oh the tasty-ness! My outing to DowntownDisney last night proved to be incredibly successful. Not only did I find a bathing suit for Greece, but I also got to enjoy a very yummy dinner at Yamabuki with Joanne, Russ and "the roommate".

We spent most of the time talking about food. Conclusions: I don't like fish, Russ hates melon (which made me feel even better about my mom not letting dad name me Melanie), Kristine hates coconut (Joanne concurs) and none of us have much love for Quiznos.

Other interesting tidbits from the evening: Buster Hirotsu has a little gas problem, look for a post on their Blog about this "issue" soon. Haagen Daz is screwing up big time by not offering their little cups of green tea ice cream here in America. And finally, if you have finished eating, and they ask you for a 5th time if you want a refill on your coke, it's time to go.

On the way to the car, I decided to find myself a little omiyage (souvenir). When I found an appropriate item, Russ was kind enough to take a picture...there was a comment made that an outing with me sober is just as entertaining as those with drunk people. I'm not sure how to take that...but alas, I think it may be true.

Why don't you people tell me not to make faces like this? Geez, I look like something from the shining. I will say this though, my souvenir matches my new bathing suit (in the clear bag) well. How convenient!!


Blogger Russell said...

I had a great time. Dinner hit the spot and the green tea ice cream was fantastic! Buster will get his moment of fame soon when we blog about him.

And when we see you gently, but curiously stroking the Yamabuki sign, one can't help but think...what was in that Coke? I think my comment was: "If you're this fun sober, imagine how much fun you are drunk!"

Good times.

1:01 PM  

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