Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Cooking Showdown!

No...It's not "Iron Chef", it's better. If you haven't seen it, you are missing out. It's Cooking Showdown, and it airs on Saturday nights at 8:00 pm. If we can help it, you will usually find Kristine and I on the couch and ready to watch at 7:50 pm. (Yes, we are party animals, I know.)

The premise? They have 2 main hosts and each has a side to promote. Each side has a dish. Then, there are a number of random Japanese celebrity-ish people who operate as the panel of judges. They "vote" 3 times during the show for WHICH! (or DOTCH! as it is said on the show) is the best dish.

Here is the catch, only the people who make their final vote with the majority actually get to eat. The others have to sit by and watch.

The bulk of the show is spent showing why each dish is special and how it will be prepared. Throughout this process, the panel is free to comment. You can be sure that in every episode you will hear at least one shrill "TABETAI!" (I want to eat that!) and usually a few "SUGOI!" (amazing!).

But it's great, because they translate the whole show into English for you. So you know exactly what is going on. See the captioning on the frame below. It's good times...

Kevin Sasaki was nice enough to dig up a few images to use, and if he continues to be my research intern, I'll try and make sure to have a Showdown recap every week.

So this week was Chicken Katsu vs. Pork Saute...

I was struggling with my choice. I really like chicken katsu, but usually as a part of a curry plate. Still, it looked really good...that is...until...THEY RUINED IT WITH THE STUPID TOMATOES! *sigh* (This didn't make it into the Yamabuki post, but along with fish, I have no love for tomatoes.)

Kristine on the other hand, was pork all the way. (Even though she does love her some chicken katsu every now and then.) However, she really leaned to the pork side when they announced they'd be stuffing the chicken with cheese. This is when I learned about her little issue with food touching each other.

Now, she covers this little issue pretty well. I've known her now for...at least 15 years, and I had no idea that food touching each other was a problem. Apparently her ideal world is one where all food items come in separate dishes. Oh the things you learn. So don't think you are doing her any favors if you bring her a casserole. You are only serving her up a giant blob of her own personal hell.

So anyway...the vote went back and forth a bit as they showcased the preparation, but in the end, pork won out, 5 to 2.

I'll have better play by plays in the weeks to come, as I won't have to explain the basics of the show. Keep your fingers crossed for a good menu next week. I fear that with chicken and pork this week, we may be facing a fish dish. Boooo!


Blogger Miss Lala said...

oh please, you love it.

i have been this retarded the entire damn time you've known me. don't act surprised. =P~

3:55 PM  
Blogger Russell said...

Sounds very much like an intriguing show, but I just have to make sure I've eaten dinner by then. Down with tomatoes!

By the way, can I link to your blog yet?

4:57 PM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

i thought you'd never ask. =P~

hello!? oh to be on my mentor's page... it is an honor. tonight, i will celebrate by wearing noodles on my back.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that Russ used to hate his food touching each other? Normally, I would say that it is an Asian thing, but I could eat anything any how and anywhere. (sigh) When will the madness end. I am hungry again.

8:29 AM  

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