Thursday, November 20, 2008

can i get a few barrels to go?

so... the falling gas prices provide daily entertainment for me. i drive by a particularly cheap arco (in cerritos) every day on my way to work and it's always exciting to see what they are charging. today, 87 unleaded had dropped to $2.15 9/10 a gallon. what!? i had to take a picture.

anyway, i used to pop onto (a part of every now and then to see where the cheap gas was, although most of the time, i ended up buying gas where it was convenient and not where it was the cheapest. still, it is interesting to find out where the cheap gas is waiting for you. looks like costco is a perpetual winner. i'm just too lazy to wait in line for it there. guess i wouldn't have done well during the last crisis...

so... roadtrip anyone?


Blogger Russell said...

Isn't it amazing that it's now $1.97 by our house! It's getting cheaper everyday!

9:26 AM  

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