Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A Return To Gilmore

It's been a long summer of crap TV and reruns, but now, the season premiers have begun. (Insert trumpets and fanfare here.) After a months of anticipation by both Kristine and I (and Jessica McLin, who came over for the big event), Gilmore Girls started up again last night. Hooray!

We weren't waiting to see who died after the bomb went off in the warehouse, nor were we anticipating the answer to who shot the drummer at the big concert, etc...really it wasn't answers to questions from last season we were looking forward to (although it was nice to actually hear Luke tell Lorelai that he would indeed marry her), but actually, it's just that Gilmore Girls is a very well-written show with believable characters and just enough chaos to keep you on the edge of your seat. If you haven't seen it, you should check out the early episodes on ABC family (weekdays at 5:00 pm)...or just jump right in with the new season.

Anyway, it was a great start to the season! Somebody please remind me to set my parents' TiVo to catch the next 2 episodes while we're in Greece.

My favorite reference in last night's Gilmore episode: Benson

Do you remember Benson? I do. I loved this show. I haven't seen it in forever, but I remember watching reruns as far back as when I was living on the planet Oregon. (I was 8 when we moved from there.) Although, I think when I was that young, I didn't quite understand the social issues being addressed. I just thought it was funny. Ahhh Benson, it's been a long time old friend.


Blogger Russell said...

I can't say I share the same sentiments for Gilmore Girls (never seen it). But nice reference to Benson. That was a fantastic show from what I remember...but I think I was like 8.

3:59 PM  

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