Friday, September 02, 2005

Trial run... it is the friday before labor day and i cannot seem to get any of my clients on the phone or get my father to focus on what we really need to be doing here at work, i figured i would do something i never thought i would do...create a blog.

really, i know crap about blogs. but, what the hell...let's give this a shot. gotta get edumacated sometime.

thanks to mr. & mrs. hirotsu for inspiring me. of course, i know i'll never be able to be as entertaining as russ. as a tribute, i'll use my "southpark lara" image here for practice.

so...let's try adding an image...egad, that is gigantic! does one resize...oh...that's how.

hmmm...this is kind of fun. who knew wasting a work day could be so entertaining?!


Blogger Russell said...

Hello. It's me. Russell. Am I supposed to know this page exists? I was with Joanne the other night when she got an email from you. I didn't read it, I swear...well, except for the blog part. So, here I am. And I think I am the first one to comment! Good work! I'll be stopping by here once in a while to see what you are up to. Enjoy! Hey, you should come over for dinner sometime.

5:49 PM  

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