Monday, September 12, 2005

The Ever-Growing Herd

Well, it was inevitable...

When I went with the farmer to see the kitties on Friday, he said he was concerned because he hadn't seen "the baby". But, he figured she would make an appearance in the evening and shrugged it off.

Well, when he went over for the dinner buffet, one of the guys from the ice house called him over and said that "the baby" had been under the building for the whole day. So, in went the good farmer, crawling through mud and spider webs... He eventually emerged with "the baby" in one hand. That was all it took, and now "the baby" resides at the Michalek zoo.

Really though, how could you not take this home with you?

I keep saying "the baby" because she doesn't have a name yet. I'm not sure if she'll be up for adoption or not. But there are plenty more where she came from, so seriously, anyone looking for a kitty to give a home, please let me know!


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