Monday, September 18, 2006


if you've followed my blog from the beginning, then you saw that one of my earliest posts was about a show called so you think you can dance. well they just wrapped season 2 last month and it was better than ever! they even put a tour together with the top 10 dancers.

the tour came to LA over the weekend and luckily we were able to get tickets. the twins, kristine and i took a lot of flack for our excitement over this show, but ultimately, the teasing was all worth it. the performance was amazing!!! seeing those gifted dancers perform all of our favorite numbers in person was awesome!

the biggest surprise of the night was that we weren't packed into the universal (gibson) amphitheatre with a few thousand screaming tweens, like we imagined would be the case. Surprisingly, the number of adults far exceeded screaming children. FAR exceeded.

it was kind of funny... while we were waiting for our table at dinner, this big, bald dude at the bar was having a conversation with a group of middle-aged women on the other side of the bar about who they were all looking forward to seeing at the show. odd scene...

a fun bonus was seeing some of the choreographers in the audience. there were at least 4, that we counted. fun stuff! (unfortunately, my camera failed me that night. boooo. so i have no photos.)

anywhoodles, it was a great night out with a few of my best friends and we got to see some of the best dancing we've ever laid eyes on. so tease away people, because i am sure that we'll be attending the live show again when season 3 wraps.


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