Monday, August 07, 2006

Golden X Boy

a while back, i tried to motivate the troops for an outing the x-games this year. it was the first year they were doing a rally car event and i thought it would be neat to see it live. momentum kind of fizzled on the field trip, but i caught a lot of the x-games from my couch.

i wandered in and out of the coverage, but made sure to catch the entire rally event. and boy am i glad i did. they did an amazing job working this event into the x games format. and the tv coverage was great as well. you can read more about the entire event HERE.

travis pastrana was definitely the shining star of the weekend. after landing the double back flip friday night, taking the gold for best mtx trick, he proceeded to edge out rally all-star colin mcrae, and take the gold in the rally event as well.

of course, mcrae didn't go out without a fight. after rolling his car on the final turn, he kept the peddle to the floor and blazed on through to a silver... less than a second behind pastrana.

next year, no more lame excuses. we're going to the x-games!


Blogger Russell said...

Dang! I wanted to go, too! And I didn't even know there was going to be a rally event. Now I'm bummed I missed the TV coverage.

Next year, I'm in.

7:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did ya know Pastrana is a skydiver?!

10:52 PM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

i remember something about a moto/base stunt into the grand canyon. i thought he learned specifically for that. but i didn't know that he continued jumping.

i might be off, but i thought someone mentioned he went through AFF at the same place burnquist did, no?

cripe i need to get my butt out to the dz.

8:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

X-Games Highlights

5:05 PM  

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