Thursday, August 31, 2006

A Year In The Blog

well, what started as a bit of a joke on a slow "friday before labor day weekend", has turned out to be a pretty decent way to share photos and stories with my peeps. 76 posts later and here we are.

so... happy birthday blogalicious! (i know i'm a few days early, but i won't be online over the weekend.)

looking back, i've blogged some pretty neat memories (and a lot of other random silliness), and i've chosen this photo to sum it all up... cheers!

anyway, i just wanted to say thanks to all of you for taking the time to keep up with the blog.

more madness to come...


Blogger Russell said...

Always great to have a fellow blogger. Thanks for the many laughs this past year...and it's not just from your blog. :)

5:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Dole STILL says, "Stop squandering Bob Dole's inheritance and get back to work!"

11:16 AM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

A year old, and I'm only finding your site now? I feel so behind.

Oh well, better late than never. :)

2:57 PM  

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