Monday, August 14, 2006

Return To The Kern

it's hard to believe it, but it was 2 months ago that my brother and i dragged our dad down the kern on a raft. i never got around to posting photos from that trip, so here is one of us paddling away (jer and dad front left and i'm back right)...

anyway, we had so much fun on that trip, that as soon as i got home, i started poking around at a return visit. we met an awesome family on that first trip (the fosters), and when i sent out the inquiry about another run, they jumped onboard.

once the fosters were in, my brother couldn't wuss out. and with my friends tara, christy, and matt in the boat as well, we had a good sized group going.

we even got oscar to come along as our guide for the second time.

last time, we made the fatal error of not bringing enough booze. we came prepared this time... sippy cups and all. (we even tried the jello shot recipe from a few posts back. good stuff!)

it's christy's birthday today (and kari's was last friday), so we celebrated at camp. Check out the birthday girls...

the river was running at a way lower level than last time, so it was a completely different experience. although we lost some of the power of the rapids, we got the opportunity to swim a lot more and even jump off a few tall rocks.

we ordered the action shots from this trip, but we'll not have those for another few weeks, so that is why all i have to post are the ones from the party at camp.

obviously, we had an amazing time (again) and i'm ready to get back on the water ASAP! (although it may have to wait until next season.) i'm going to start looking into other rivers, and i'll be recruiting for partners in crime, so i'll keep you posted.


Blogger Chang Kim said...

One word: Ziploc


3:54 PM  

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