Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Bye Bye Summertime!

oh the sadness of the unofficial end of summer... labor day. *sigh* well, if it has to end, then why not go out with a bang?

we closed the office friday, so that morning, i actually passed on the opportunity to sleep in and hoofed it up to peter's canyon for a hike. i run up to the trailhead all the time, but rarely actually continue on to the trail because that is already a 5 mile roundtrip, so this was a treat!

well, kind of... i forgot my snack. 11 miles is a long way for lara to go with no snack!

then kristine and i hit up the street fair for dinner that night...


and it was back to the street fair on saturday, with a little pre/post party madness at j & d's...

i ran into a ton of alum. there were chapmanites everywhere!

sunday i took it easy and caught some time by the pool before heading to my cousin's for dinner so we could plan our upcoming houseboat trip...

finally monday, my friend, aaron (grasshopper), and i hiked big santa anita canyon, before heading back to pasadena for lunch and a 8-hour (yes 8 hours!!) home furnishings shopping spree for his new apartment...

anyone else need a vacation from the holiday weekend? zzzZZZZZ


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