Monday, July 31, 2006

Death By County Fair

I almost missed the fair again this year. Luckily, my friend Jessica threw out a last minute invite and we hit the fair up yesterday, the last day of its 3 week run.

Now, I like the baby animals and ghetto carnival rides as much as the next person, but really, the fair, for me, is all about the food. I know, you're shocked. This year, my mission was the deep fried Twinkie.

Surprisingly, the Twinkie was a bit of a let down. Not to worry though, an even better fried item presented itself... the deep fried snickers bar! HELLO!? It was amazing!!

Unfortunately, I think my iron stomach has lost some of that loving feeling, because once I got home, I faced the wrath of the "post-fair-food-feast-aftermath." I can't lie though, the prize was totally worth the pain.

My final numbers:

1 - half loaf garlic cheese bread
4 - stolen pieces of fried artichoke from Jessica
4 - glasses of wine (The wine garden was nice and shady, it's a trap for innocent thirsty people like me!)
1 - deep fried Twinkie
.5 - giant dill pickle
1 - strip of teriyaki beef jerky (No idea how I ended up eating this.)
1 - basket of nachos
1 - deep fried snickers bar

2 - friends I ran into unexpectedly
1 - llama, we had a chat with and hand-fed
1 - ride down the giant euro slide
1 - trip on the random chair lift to nowhere (That thing has never made sense to me.)

I always have so much fun at the fair! And I'm sure it would have passed me by again this year had it not been for Jess. Thanks chica!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WTF is a euro slide?

1:28 PM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...


1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the Euro in that?

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you went on that before the awesome food intake...clean-up aisle 3!! You are my hero!

10:41 AM  
Blogger Russell said...

Euroslide! Those are the best! Those last few humps can be doozies!

Good food intake. That really is what the fair is all about.

Dang, I missed all the fun this year. Stupid work.

2:37 PM  

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