Monday, October 03, 2005

Back in the USA

well, it's monday...and i'm back at work. boooo. i'm still having a hard time letting go of greece. it was one of the best experiences of my life...

i'll have a proper blog entry to follow soon, but i thought i'd check in quickly and let you all know that kristine, christy and i arrived safely home on friday night. and after a quick chat with the parentals at their house and a drive through taco bell, all was right in my world.

anyway, i can't wait to tell you all about the trip in person. in the meantime, here are a few photos...

(just FYI - women are required to wear skirts that cover their

knees in those monasteries, so they lend out these very fashionable

skirts to those not meeting the requirements.)

stay tuned, more to come....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you and Dee buy matching skirts or are you both actually in one big skirt?

12:43 AM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

women are required to wear skirts that cover their knees in those monasteries, so they lend out these very fashionable skirts to those not meeting the requirements. we're hot, just admit it.

8:54 AM  
Blogger Russell said...

Looks like an amazing trip! We're ready for more pictures and stories! It was great having another Downtown Disney dinner the other night.

Have a good week!

9:28 AM  

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