Monday, September 17, 2007

Every Day Is Fry Day!

i think that might be the best advertising slogan for the LA county fair i've every seen. i mean, there are lots of neat things at the fair, but let's be real, the most important thing at the fair is, by far, the food.

i can't lie, i was pleasantly surprised by some of the goings on, like, the winter wonderland...

and the amateur wrestling. (note the bunny costume detail.) awesome...

but really, nothing tops the never-ending buffet of artery-clogging food items. you might remember meeting my new best friend, the deep friend snickers bar, last year at the orange county fair. well, this year, i introduced him to one of my other very close friends; the ice cream cone. it was a match made in heaven.

6 hours at the fair, and jessica and i barely scratched the surface of what the event has to offer. at $9 a pop, it was a serious bargain. (let's not discuss the amount of money we spent on food.)

tickets are available online for $15 (weekend), but we stopped by an at&t/cingular store on our way and picked up the discounted tickets for $9. the fair offers lots of random discount promotions, so with a little effort, you shouldn't have to pay full price. the fair goes through sunday, 9/30, so you still have 2 weeks to get out there and boost your cholesterol.


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