Monday, June 11, 2007

an all star event

sandee's all stars made a huge showing at the relay for life this past weekend. and although it was a hectic 30 hours for me, our team made it one of the best experiences of my life.

our family is seriously blessed to have such awesome people in our lives. la palma may be small on square footage, but it more than makes up for it in heart!

here are a few fun photos of the all stars in action...

i was short on photo-taking-time, so these pics only represent about half of our contingent. we totally dominated! ha! =) AND! we were one of the few teams that actually kept someone on that track at all times.
anyway, all of our hard work paid off because we raised over $6000 for the cause. we actually ended up winning a trophy for being one of the top fundraising teams! yay us! and the event as a whole raised almost $70,000! that ranks our community near the top of the entire OC!

thanks again to all of our all star team members and supporters. you made this event a HUGE success!


Blogger Russell said...

Sandee's All Stars did a great job at the event. Thanks for having us stop by...sorry we couldn't be there longer.

Congrats on the trophy! You deserve it!

4:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From we who participated in the Yorktown, VA Relay for LIFE last weekend, THANK YOU, Brothers and Sisters, for your great efforts, success and support for the healing of those with cancer. Our granddaughter, Nina, 8 years old, who has been battling cancer for 1.5 years, is getting better because of folks like you. She was honored at our Yorktown Relay. God bless you, Bill & Marion Thompson and many others

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgot to note that we learned of your wonderful success from a dear friend of ours who is a member of your All Stars, Marcie Vince.

Thanks again, Bill & Marion Thompson

9:06 AM  

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