Monday, July 16, 2007

Pageant of the Masters

The Pageant is celebrating its 75th year of creatively promoting the arts. This year's theme is "Young At Heart" and they pulled out all the stops with the show. We saw it last week and it was unbelievable!

You can check out the program HERE to see what art they are bringing to life this year.
The show runs through August 31st, and although the best tickets can be hard to come by, they're out there. You just have to be a little creative to find them. (We went via a dinner package through Mr. Stox.)
Don't forget to arrive a little early to check out the local artists' exhibits. Here is my favorite of the night...
If you can't make it this year, keep it in mind for next summer. It's something every southern Californian should see at least once. Truly amazing!


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