This Is Your Captain Speaking...

Just wanted to toss out a big congrats to my brother for passing his checkride a few nights ago, making him one of SkyWest's newest captains of their fleet of CRJs! Yay! (Now he wears 4 bars instead of 3.)
This was no small effort on his part. (I saw the stack of books they issued him at the start of training. Blegh!) So we're all very proud of this major accomplishment!
Next time you find yourself boarding a SkyWest aircraft, take a peek in the direction of the cockpit. You might know the guy in charge!
Don't you get shot my undercover marshall if you try to get near pilot?
you can usually catch the pilot during boarding or de-plane.
I'll definitely be looking out for him. I ride SkyWest once in a while since my dad used to work for them. And it always seems to be a CRJ when I fly. Awesome!
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