Thursday, October 05, 2006

Think Pink!

Hey People! Just wanted to remind you all that...

A few years back, many of you supported me in participating in the Avon Walk. It was there that I first heard a very scary statistic, that still rings in my head today: There is a new diagnosis of breast cancer every 3 minutes.

Over 12 years ago, my mom became a living example of that statistic. Since then, the fight against breast cancer has been near and dear to my heart. (And I want to thank you all for supporting me in my fundraising/educational ventures.)

The underlying theme at every event I've been to, aside from HOPE, has been education. Until we find a solid cure, educating yourself is your best bet for prevention, early diagnosis and survival. With that in mind, here are a few sites where you can get some good info AND support the cause:

BreastCancer.Org - This website was started by an oncologist as one-stop-shop for patients and families to educate themselves about this disease.

The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation - Founders of the Race For The Cure, the largest series of 5K runs/fitness walks in the world, the Komen Foundation has been has been a global leader in the fight against breast cancer through its support of innovative research and community-based outreach programs for over 20 years.

City Of Hope - These people saved my mother's life when she was first diagnosed. It is one of the nation's leading research and treatment centers for cancer. We were very lucky that she was able to be treated there. Nearly 20% of all funding comes from charitable donations.

Anywhoodles... there ya go. Now GO GET EDUCATED!

Oh yeah... One more thing...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget Pink for October. Which I joined with The Hot Crew and even my work site!

12:16 PM  

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