Monday, October 16, 2006

six degrees of smack that

so, i've managed not to get sucked into that new show six degrees. even though i hear great things about it, i already have too much tv to watch. and we're only a month into the season and i'm already behind on some of my standard shows.

anyway, i find myself wondering about degrees of separation in my every day life occurrences. and i had a random one come up that dominated my entire weekend...

1. one of my best friend's is joanne.

2. her husband, and now someone i consider a very good friend, is russell. (of good times blog fame.)

3. one of russell's best friends is chang... who was also my wedding-party-mate at joanne and russell's wedding, and someone i consider a friend via other friends.

4. chang is engaged to gina... who is someone i have never met, but through stories (and blog posts, see #5) , i have come to know on a small scale and definitely respect. she sounds like a pretty cool chick!

5. chang and gina share a blog, which i pop over to every now and then, cuz they post some pretty fun and random stuff.

6. they recently added the weekly list to their blog, and on gina's list last week was a link to the music video for smack that, which i unfortunately clicked on and watched last friday...

consequently, my weekend was punctuated with moments of me vocally busting out with "smack that! all on the floor... smack that! give me some more..." in public arenas.

not cool. thanks a lot, gina.

strangely enough, "smack that" was actually gina's #2 on the her weekly list. her #1? "six degrees." go figure.


Blogger Russell said...

You should meet Gina. She's a great girl...and with a #2 selection of "Smack That," she demands even more respect.

I don't have time for 6 Degrees either. Oh well, at least we have The Office.

8:14 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

Gina met Daniel Dae Kim (Jin from Lost) last week during filming of the show at her med school, and since you can now consider me a direct connection (1 degree), that puts you within 2 degrees of Gina, and 3 degrees of Daniel Dae Kim, who is in Lost with Dominic Monaghan (4 degrees), who was in Lord of the Rings with Brad Dourif (5 degrees), who was in Murder in the First with...

Kevin Bacon.

Six degrees of Kevin Bacon. It all comes back to him. :)

1:36 PM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

ooh, good one chang! but really, forget the bacon, let's get back to DDK! *drool*

i can't believe gina met him! she is my new hero.

speaking of which, i'm really hoping to catch heroes in repeats.

hmmm... somehow, it always comes back to the tv with me. ;)

9:22 AM  

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