Friday, October 20, 2006

my two year olds

hi. this is a lame post. but i don't care. it's my right as a pet-mommy. it was 2 years ago today that my dad trudged out to the bushes in the alley near our office, in the pouring rain, at 8 PM, to go check and see if the mama cat had returned to the newborn kittens we found abandoned earlier in the day. she had taken 2 of the 4 away much earlier, but she never came back for the other 2. so farmer ed couldn't help himself, and he picked the little freezing runts up and took them home.

little did we know, that would start the wheels in motion for farmer ed to become a one-man rescue team. since then, he has rescued (and placed in loving homes) more than 20 cats, if i'm counting right. it's probably more. anyway, i know i've posted these pictures before, but it always shocks me when i look back at how tiny they were.

anyway, just wanted to send out a few happy birthday vibes to my super special kitty cats, cami and cooper!

and i also wanted to remind you that the michalek fur farm is always looking for happy families looking to adopt a feline family member. even if dad doesn't have a kitty in need of adoption at the house, he works with an organization called "cats in need" on a regular basis, and they always have furballs ready to spread some kitty love. so just drop me note!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lame indeed.
The girls stopped by yesterday to sing Happy Birthday to the cats. You missed it.

11:30 AM  

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