Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Update on Mom

I just wanted to jump online really quick to say thank you to everyone for all of your support lately. We're so lucky to have such an amazing extended family. You people rock my world! There just aren't words to thank you as I'd like to.


We've had Mom home for a few days now and she is doing really well. She's eating small portions of regular food again and it looks like everything is healing up properly. Hooray for a more-than-liquid-diet!! She'll see the surgeon again on Thursday, so I'll know more then.

It looks like we may have a bit of a challenge ahead of us in other areas, and I'll post more about that when I have better/more solid information to share. As always, we have a very positive outlook.

Again, thanks for all of the support. You all are a constant reminder of how truly blessed we are as a family.

Talk more soon...



Blogger Russell said...

I'm so glad to hear that she is doing well. She's in our thoughts often. Her strength is such an inspiration and she is lucky to have such a wonderful family. Please wish her all the best from Joanne and I.

9:12 PM  

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