Tuesday, February 28, 2006


surely by now, you've heard of "Talk Like A Pirate Day". it falls annually on september 19th. if you've not heard of it, well then, you're probably just normal. but you can easily become a spaz, like myself, by reading more here: http://www.talklikeapirate.com/piratehome.html Arrrrrr!

as far as i'm concerned, you can't have too many holidays. on that note, i'd like to share a little about a new holiday that has been created by none other than my blog mentor, russell hirotsu. yes, now each year on march 3rd, you can proudly celebrate "TALK IN THIRD PERSON DAY". (Ti3P)

personally, i think we should just call it "bob dole day", because that is just fun to say and if ever there was a person who could appreciate this holiday, it is him.

anyway, read all about it here: http://talkinthirdperson.googlepages.com/


Blogger Russell said...

Ti3P Day is going to be great! Thanks for advertising! Russell hopes you enjoy Ti3P Day as much as he will.

Rock on!

4:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bob Dole says you should spend less time Squandering your brothers inheritance by running this blog, and get back to work. That's what Bob Dole thinks...

2:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Joanne is so proud of Russell and Lara...she truly is lucky to have such talent and imagination all around her.

Thanks...no, really, so proud.


9:40 AM  

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