Monday, November 28, 2005

Get Decked!

That's right kiddies, it's that time again! Christmas decorating season has officially arrived. Well, okay, so it technically started in September for the stores, but for me, it's not official until I've had my turkey dinner...Or dinners, as I managed to eat an entire second meal (including pie) only 4 hours after our big Thanksgiving sit down dinner. Sometimes I even surprise myself.

So... Last night Kristine and I got motivated and actually succeeded in getting the entire apartment lit up, fake tree and all. We were a little worried about what would be cat-safe, but we just decided to go big and keep our fingers crossed it wouldn't all be shredded on the floor in the morning. Surprisingly, when I came out this morning, not one decoration was out of place! Good kitties!

Anyway, I thought I'd post a few pictures to help get you in the holiday mood...

So, get busy peeps! Deck those halls, trim those trees... We are officially less than a month from Christmas! Woohoo!

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

What's In A Name?

Last Thursday night, Joanne and Russell made the long trek down to Tustin to have dinner with Kristine and I. One of the conversation topics was the uniqueness of our names. I had mentioned that I googled my name a while back and found no results for anyone but myself.

Well apparently Joanne went poking around on the internet during a stint of insomnia and found this:

Interesting. Good find Joanne! Half the people I know do actually call me Laura instead of Lara, so I guess this is the closest I'm going to get to having a name twin.

Of course, it's kind of nice to know that I'm still the one and only Lara Michalek.

Man...what the heck did we do with ourselves before the internet? =P~

Monday, November 21, 2005

Toilet Engrish

due to lack of time, i've not been able to post regularly. alas, i am a poor blogger. on the other hand, my friend russell keeps up with his pretty much daily. if you saw my very first post, you would know, he is the one that first inspired me to create blogalicious.

anyway...a while back, he put a post up about a site that scales out the universe and mentioned something about how very small we are, etc etc etc...

so i, being the very deep and intellectually superior individual i am, replied to that post with this:


i figured when contemplating one's place in the universe, a beevis and butthead reference is always appropriate. of course, when i read the reply that followed mine (not that there is anything wrong with a serious reply), it kind of took the wind out of my potty humor sails...


luckily, i can always count on to return my faith and hope in the world. it reminded me, you can never go wrong with a proper "uranus" reference.


Thursday, November 17, 2005

Happy Landings!

-Okay, I lag. I know. Sorry. I just haven't had much time to blog it up lately. Anyway, I grabbed a quick look at the forums in and found a fun little time waster here:

Now go be unproductive!

Friday, November 11, 2005

Happy Veterans Day!

Yesterday the United States Marine Corps celebrated 230 years of service. Apparently the USMC celebrates this special birthday occasion in a big way each and every year. (I'm talking dress uniforms and shmancy gala events.) Me, although I recall hearing about it each November here or there, I've never found myself in the position for physical celebration. Yesterday that changed... sort of.

I was lucky enough to spend the evening with my friend Rich, who happens to be an officer in the USMC. Last night was the first time I had seen him in over a year. He recently returned from his third, yes THIRD, trip to the Middle East.

We had a quiet dinner in San Clemente, catching up over gnocchi and pizza (something not readily available in Iraq). Did we celebrate the big Marine Corps birthday? Not really. But we did celebrate something just as special: his safe return home.

He spoke little about his time over there, choosing instead to ask about how I was doing and what was new in my life. And in the few references he did make, there wasn't a single complaint about the challenges he faced in "the desert". His sentiments were simple and solid: He served proudly in an effort that is just and worthy.

Today, Veterans Day, regardless of your political views, I think it's only right for every American to take a moment and recognize the sacrifice that the men and women of the United States Armed Forces make each and every day in service of their country, our country.

God Bless our Troops!
God Bless America!
Welcome home Rich!

Friday, November 04, 2005

Feliz Navidad!

Each year, come November, you're bound to find many signals that the holiday season is in full swing. For me, the deal is sealed when El Pollo Loco brings back their chicken tamales. That is some tasty crazy chicken!

Engrish - Part II

There is a site called "T-Shirt Hell" that has some seriously wrong T-shirts for sale. However, I did stumble on one that isn't soooo bad, and actually corresponds well with a previous post about

Pardon my non-PC-ness, but I couldn't help myself...

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Dude...Park My Car

So...I'm not going to lie, parallel parking is not my favorite activity. Why do you think I drive a Civic? Of course, one shot at the game here: and it will make you feel loads better about your real life parking skills.

Thanks Kevin, for sending me something that not only keeps me from completing my work, but also manages to completely piss me off at the same time! Way to go!