Monday, October 31, 2005

Blue Skies!

Well this has been a year filled with many crazy events for me, but sadly, not a single day in 2005 has included skydiving. In fact, when I checked out my logbook, the last time I jumped was in October of 2004.

Anyway, after much anticipation, this past Saturday, I made a trip to my home dropzone,, and made my triumphant return to the sky.

It was quite a reunion day, as I hadn't seen many of my skydiving friends in a very long time, including my dropzone family, the Carlisles, which was a fantastic surprise for me. Smiles, hugs and jumping out of a plane with old friends. What more could I ask for? It felt like home.

All said and done, I had 2 fantastic jumps: one great refresher jump with my friend, Marie, plus an awesome 4-way with 3 very special people, Heidi and Harold Carlisle
and Erin Murphy (who very generously lent me her rig to jump for the day.)

We finished it off with a huge lunch together at an old hangout in downtown Elsinore, and then Erin and I made a quick trip to the wineries to toast this great day together. was a big day for me. Big, big day.

Anyway, in honor of getting my knees back in the breeze, I thought it would be fun to take a quick trip back in time to my first jump. My best friend Jenn and I made our first skydives together on December 2nd, 2000. Good times!

Friday, October 28, 2005

Happy Halloween Weekend!

So I just got an e-mail from my friend, Connie, telling me she is going to Halloween party tomorrow as Jessica Simpson. As she is of Chinese descent, I can't wait to see the photos.

On that note, did you know that the majority of people in Australia don't celebrate Halloween? I guess there is a small minority, but my Aussie friend said that it, "for the most part passes silently by..." What the!? Here I am, budgeting like hell to get myself down under in the spring, and now I find out they are a communist country!! Ha ha ha! Kidding....kind of. HA!

Really though...COME ON! How can they pass up a perfectly good commercial holiday centered around candy?? *sigh* Oh well...I guess they should be allowed 1 fault. =P~

Anyway, hope you all have your costumes in order. Although, there is a slim chance that you will be able to top this cuteness:

I sure hope Brooke and Caitlyn will share their candy with Auntie Lara!

Have a very scary (and safe) weekend everyone!

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

LA - 2 - NZ

Last night, I did the unthinkable... I went out in LA! I know, you are shocked, but it was for a good cause.

A very good friend of mine from college, along with his gorgeous girlfriend, is packing up and moving to New Zealand for a year of travel and work. And although they are from Seattle, they set their international departure to flow through LA, so we had a little going away party for them last night.

The coolest thing was, I hadn't seen Casey or our other friend JB in years. So we had a bit of reunion. Great food, big hugs and lots of reliving old times...definitely worth a trip into LA. Good stuff!

Monday, October 24, 2005

Camping With The Fam

Over the weekend, we packed up the truck and headed down the 5 to San Clemente for a little campout with our cousins from Huntington Harbour. We stayed at an awesome site, right on by the ocean. You can find out more here:

Even if you are a totally lame camper like myself, you'll like this place. The campsites come with a table, shade cover, fire ring and a clean bathroom within 100 yards. Yay!

Anyways, we always have fun when our two families get together. Lots of good times (and wine) were had by all.

So if you are looking for a little getaway, I highly recomend you give this place a try.

............ again, I ask you...What's up with this rain?

Thursday, October 20, 2005

JFK Class Of '96 Reunion

Well, don't I feel old... 10 years? Really? Hmmm... At this time 10 years ago, I was just beginning my senior year in high school...and if I'm not mistaken, we were probably right in the middle of Homecoming madness. Oh the memories... you know... I still remember the entire choreography for the dumb little cheer routine we'd do in conjunction with the fight song. I know you are impressed. Please, no autographs.

Well, anyway, I'll get to the point. They've posted our reunion information. I figured I might as well post it here as well, just to get the word out. It is scheduled for 06/03/06 at the Four Points Sheraton in Fullerton. Tickets are $78 per person. You can see more information here:

I always thought I'd go to my high school reunions. But now, I'm not so sure. Everyone I care to see, I am still in contact with in some form or another...and although they are surely worth it, I've never had to pay $78 to visit with them.

Anyway, I thought this would be a fun time to post a blast from the past...


Monday, October 17, 2005

To Fos Stin Psihi

On Friday I came in to work to find a box sitting on my desk. What was in it? The CD I'd ordered from

While on the trip, we had a day song and wake up song. The day song (track 4 or 9) was played on the coach at the start of each day, and the wake up song (track 1) was played anytime we were about to arrive at our destination as a clue that we needed to shake off the sleepies and get ready for some fun.

Both songs were by a very famous Greek (by way of Sweden) pop star by the name of Helena Paparizou. I'm not going to lie, I crinkled my nose the first time I heard them, but they both eventually grew on me. You can hear song clips here:

I've now listened to the whole album too many times to count and have just about memorized the words to "My Number One", which was the Greek entry in the 2005 Eurovision contest. Luckily, there is a karaoke track at the end of the album, so I can have my own version of "American Idol goes Greek" anytime I want. Don't worry, I won't subject any of you to a private show...unless you ask for one.


So...what's up with this rain?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Greece - The Recap

Okay, okay, I know. I've been lagging big time on the Greece re-cap. I got hit with a killer cold upon my return and I've been trying to get caught up on work, blah blah blah....insert other useless excuses here.

It's hard to wrap up a vacation like this in one entry, but I'll give it my best. Between us, I think we took about 400 pictures, so narrowing down which shots to use and what stories to share will be tough. That said...

Day 1 - We hit LAX early Tuesday morning, fighting the rain as we unloaded our suitcases. I thought it never rained in southern California!? Anyway, 16 long hours later, we were picking up those same suitcases in sunny Athens on Wednesday morning.

After getting ripped off on the cab ride to the hotel (apparently a tourist must-do for Athens), we settled in and headed out on our first adventure. We wandered a bit and eventually found our way to the Plaka (the tourist hot spot in Athens). There we found tons of shopping and eating opportunities and a great view of the Acropolis. (If you look really close, you can see it in the very center of the photo below.)

We met our group that night at the hotel for dinner and a run-down of how the trip would flow. Our tour manager Kyle gave us a great packet of information on all the places we'd be visiting and that released me from any responsibility to read the 4 pound book of Greek history by location I brought along. Hooray!

(As the journey unfolded, we saw more and more how lucky we were to have Kyle as our tour manager. He has done this tour quite a few times over the past couple of years, so he knows everyone, everywhere. He always had a good tip of where to eat, where to shop and how long it was going to take to get where we were going. We had an awesome driver too! Pavlos always got us safely to our destination, which in Greece is no small task. I'd pay $100 right now just to hear him yell out the coach window at someone one more time.)

Anyway, we had 34? people in our group...I think. I can't remember the exact number. We were mostly in our late 20's, early 30's. I would say maybe a third of the group was American, there were quite a few Aussies, a strong Canadian contingent, plus a few other nations represented, including one fabulous German. He really kept up with all of the crazy English being throw around. I was impressed!

There were accents flying everywhere. In fact, my annoying habit of picking up other people's accents was in full force on this trip, and half the time I was speaking in a totally pathetic version of Aussie talk. There has to be some kind of drug that can help me with that problem. *sigh*

Anyway, after dinner, we headed to the roof to get to know the group a little better. I wish I had a picture to show you the view from up there. You could see the whole city, including the Acropolis. There was a pool and a bar there as well. Fun stuff!

Day 2 - An early start this morning took us to our most identifiable photo opportunity, the Acropolis/Parthenon. I have to say, nothing beats getting your photo snapped in front of something as ridiculously historical and recognizable as this (I know you've already seen this one, but it is one of my favorites)...

We had a great local guide who properly inundated us with dates and facts and funny little stories about sites all around the city of Athens. We were really lucky with all of our local guides. They were all very knowledgeable and actually shared the information with us in a way that we weren't too overwhelmed.

After we had the "biggie" site covered, we took a quick trip around the city to see the old Olympic stadium

and the Temple of Zeus

and then we were free for the day. The 3 of us chose to hit the Archeological museum...

Here we saw a ton of artifacts that really meant almost nothing to us because we hadn't visited the historical sites yet. After a few hours of looking at marble statues and tiny bronze objects, we were pretty much ready for a nap. So, back to the hotel we went.

After a proper sleep, we headed out for dinner at the Plaka, just us girls. We had a great Greek dinner of kebob and pita and then moved on to another spot for a dessert of Crepes. While eating our tasty chocolate crepes, we commented on how lucky we had been with the weather.

When we headed to the museum earlier, it started to rain, so we stopped to eat lunch, and it let up just in time for us to walk to the museum. Then it started up again, but let up in time for us to walk back to the hotel. Of course, it started back up again the minute we sat down for dinner under the protection of an awning, and then it let up just as we got up to walk to dessert.

Well, we should have known better than to talk about our luck, because the skies opened up and poured harder than we had seen yet. After a half hour of discussion, we decided to brave the elements, in our thin jackets, to find a cab back to the hotel.

Did we find a cab? No. We ran the entire mile and a half back to the hotel in the pouring rain. Here is the result...

Oh well...I guess it makes a good story. The hotel didn't have facilities to dry our clothes/shoes and the staff wasn't very helpful in finding a solution. So, we made the best of our hair dryers... and there may have been a covert operation to steal some towels...but you didn't hear that from me.

Day 3 - Another early start this morning got us on our way to Olympia, via Mycenae. We stopped briefly to see the Corinth Canal on our way. It was pretty neat because I haven't really seen anything like could call it a baby brother to the Panama or Suez Canals. 4 miles long, it links the Gulf of Corinth with the Aegean.

Next up, Mycenae. You may have seen a reference to this in the movie Troy. I wouldn't know, because I didn't see it in the states and although they played it on the coach on the way there, I couldn't make it through without falling asleep. But I digress...

Here we had the chance to walk through a massive tomb and also around the old walled city. It kills me how you can just walk right up on and in these amazing places. You can simply feel the history in the air.

After a quick stop for lunch, we pushed on to Olympia where we visited the museum and the site of the first Olympic games held in 776 BC.

Our local guide was amazing and she went through the museum bit by bit and gave us the run down on what we were seeing, including this statue of Nike...oddly enough, I couldn't find an inscription saying "Just Do It" must have been on a part that is missing...Hmmm. ;)

It felt kind of bizarre exploring the grounds. I cannot stress enough how odd it is to be walking around these ruins. It almost feels like you are existing partially in ancient times.

In the picture below, we are headed out to the track where they held the running events. The empty platforms on the right side is where statues of champions once stood, the platforms on the left is where statues of the cheaters once stood! I wonder if steroids were as big of a problem back then as they are today... =P~

At this point, we heard the crack of thunder one too many times not to be worried. Like clockwork, 15 minutes after the first roll of thunder (exactly like the night before) the skies opened up and poured down on the whole group. Soaking wet, we headed to the hotel for some dinner and rest...and possibly a little partying. But that is a whole other blog entry.

Day 4 - Onward! Today we piled in the bus and headed for the place that made the deepest impression on me...Delphi. First though, we made a quick photo stop at the longest cable-stayed bridge in the world, just finished in 2004. It was pretty amazing to see up close!

After a fun lunch by the beach and another hour in the coach and we were in Delphi...even with the rain, it was a stunningly beautiful place. The ruins, the mountains and the stories told by our local guide just really made me stop and take it all in...

We finished up our day at the museum where we saw some of the most amazing artifacts yet, including a nearly complete life-size bronze statue that still had the delicate detail of the eyelashes in tact. Crazy!

Then it was on to the hotel for dinner and then out to a club for nearly the whole group. Seriously! We were missing a few, but there was a good chunk of us at the club, so we took the place over. Good times! And...there may have been some dancing on the bar by the 3 girls from the OC, but I wasn't able to get my hands on the photographic evidence, so you'll just have to use your imagination. Party on Wayne!

More to come....

Greece - The Recap - Continued

Day 5 - Okay, so really, this is our 6th day of traveling, but we lost a day on the way to Greece from the US. Anyway, I think I lied earlier when I said Delphi made the deepest impression on me. I can't really make this statement because everywhere we went was so amazing... Especially our destination today... the monasteries of Meteora.

After a few hours on the bus, we stopped for lunch at the base of the cliffs. I don't know where it came from, but Kyle was running around with one of the torches from the how could we not take a picture?

And then here we are with the cliffs in the background, right before we hopped in the coach to head up to the monasteries at the top!

When they built these monasteries, there were no roads, there were only ropes! They built them at the top of these cliffs for safety. I guess it worked because they were in pristine condition. Actually, some of them are still functioning today. The second location we visited is still an operating nunnery.

I should take this moment to tell you how amazing the views were from these monasteries, but alas, I feel as though the skirts that Kristine and I had to wear in order to properly cover our knees out of respect is a much more important topic...oh...the hotness....

Really though, it's impossible to describe the sheer size of the cliffs. I still can't wrap my head around how they managed to construct these buildings here with nothing but a pulley system to get to the top!

Overwhelmed by our visit, we headed to the hotel in Kalambaka for dinner and an early bedtime for some much needed rest.

Day 6 - Today was our long journey to Mykonos. I can't remember exactly, but I think we left around 8:30 AM and arrived at the island resort around 11:00 PM.

On our way, we stopped briefly to take a photo of the monument to Leonidas and his Spartans at Thermopylae. There is an epic tale behind this monument that I don't really have enough space to relay in this entry...but you can read it here:

(Of course, reading it off a computer screen won't be nearly as much fun as hearing it from an Aussie tour manager over the PA system of a coach.)

More driving brought us to our ferry, where we would reside for the next 5, yes FIVE, hours.

But, the time passed relatively quickly and we found ourselves on a bus, headed to the Contiki resort, where we stayed for the next 3 nights.

Here we ate, danced, beached, shopped, kayaked and everything else you'd want to do on a Greek island.

(And I even got to see the inside of the island hospital for about 7 hours when I accompanied a new Aussie friend, Paul, to get treatment after a spill by the pool. We all had tons of fun at the Cocktail Mixology course, and things got a little wild. I was joined by Kyle 3 hours into the hospital visit and we left Paul to rest around 1:30 AM. Luckily, there is a happy ending...Paul was a bit worse for wear come morning, but he was still able to make it in time for the return ferry with the group. Go Paul!)

So...on with the island madness...

We had a blast, and we could have really used a few more days on Mykonos. But all good things must come to an end and early on the morning of Day 9, we found ourselves back on the ferry for another 5 hour trip, this time in reverse, returning us to Athens.

Our Farewell Dinner - We celebrated our last night together with a big dinner out at the Plaka. I think it was a 9 course dinner or something gross like that. I upheld my reputation as the human vacuum cleaner by finishing off 6 people's dessert. Whenever someone commented on my eating abilities during the trip, I always replied with "I'm on vacation". It became a running joke and I've already received an e-mail with that as the title.

Anyway, it was a great way to finish off the trip. We met so many wonderful new friends, it was nice to have some time to let the trip settle in and enjoy each other's company one last time. This trip itinerary was phenomenal, but it was the people we traveled with who took this trip to the next level (for me anyway) and made it a once in a lifetime experience.

Day 10 - USA here we come. Luckily we had a flight that didn't depart until noon, so we had a pretty relaxed morning. We had breakfast, packed and said a few more goodbyes. And then even managed to make it to the airport without getting ripped off by the cab. Woohoo!

My Final Thought - Wow! There really aren't words to sum up what this trip meant to me. I was so lucky to share this with Christy and Kristine. And really, all three of us are so blessed to even have had the opportunity to go on this kind of adventure. We experienced so many amazing people and places. I sit in bed at night trying to go back through the trip in my mind, because it went by so fast, it feels like it was a dream.

Really, this recap barely scratches the surface. I look forward to passing on the "good" stories to you all in person.

I would recommend a visit to Greece to anyone. The living history there will blow your mind, and the island life takes a close second...or maybe it's a tie. =) If you have the opportunity to get there...GO! You won't regret it. I promise!

I went on this trip with the hopes of shaking off some dust and forgetting about the chaos in the present day, by slipping into the history of centuries ago. I came home with a greater respect for the history of the world, as well as a renewed thankfulness for the people in my life and also that I live in this time, in this place. (I mean, 10 days of not being able to flush toilet paper down the toilet will give that perspective to anyone who normally lives with modern plumming. Ha ha ha! For all of you looking at your computer screen with a funny look on your face, no, you can't flush toilet paper in Greece. The pipes are too old.)

For The Future - Well, I've always had the travel itch, one look at my passport will tell you that. But it had been 3 years since I had traveled outside of the country. What was I thinking?

That said, if I can save enough over the next few months, I am thinking of booking a trip to Australia for late March. I know...I have lost my mind. But, I really think this may be one of the biggest and best decisions I'll ever make. I've always wanted to go to Australia and I have let excuses talk me out of it every time. Not this time.

If you are interested, I think this may be the tour for me:

So stay tuned for updates on that topic. If there is anyone out there interested in going, I can provide you with budgeting info and all that. But solo or with friends, I'm headed down under soon...


Thanks for reading! I'll be back to my normal blabber of random outings with friends and television recaps soon, so stay tuned!