Monday, June 04, 2007


no, i'm not talking about "300" the movie. although i did get to see that on the imax screen down at the spectrum and it was awesome! if you have an imax theatre near you that plays major motion pictures, you should definitely check it out!

anyway, the 300 i'm talking about is jumps. yesterday, i finally made my 300th skydive. it's not a huge milestone for most jumpers, but it was a significant one for me.

i made nearly 200 jumps in my first year as a skydiver. but due to a few hurdles, i was stuck between 200 and 300 for the last 5 years, and i wasn't really sure if i was ever actually going to make it to 300. but i finally did, and it was awesome!

i got to share the jump with a few of my best skydiving friends, and we only had one goal: have fun! (well, that, and get a few good photos from it, since i don't have a ton in the air.) and i would definitely stamp this one: mission accomplished. here is the video:

(sorry that it's not edited down. i didn't have time to mess with that today.)

too much fun!!! here are a few of my favorite photos:

so, usually, when you hit 100, they pie you after. i skipped being pied on my 100th, because i hit it while on a trip to colorado, where i made sure nobody knew it was my 100th. now, 300 is technically not a pie-able offense, so i made them promise there would be no pie. of course, i said nothing about cake. i guess i had it coming...

thanks a million times over to brooke, naomi and terry for making it such a memorable event!


Blogger Naomi said...

Oh yay! I get to leave the first comment!!

Such fun was had!!! I can't even count how many airgasms I had this weeked!

Love, hugs, Kisses & peedoodleiciousness!!


1:39 PM  
Blogger Naomi said...

And I think it's funny that we're 'raising the bar' in that picture of us together.

3:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty neat. You'll never catch me jumping out of a plane though. I don't even like the Sun Wheel.

10:27 PM  
Blogger Russell said...

Awesome! Great video. I think I'll live vicariously through you.

I have to say...that your freefall wasn't nearly as long as Bodhi and Johnny Utah's jump. What's up with that?

100% pure adrenaline!

10:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say we are the coolest. I think the picture of your total submission says the most.

Peace, love & peedoodleliciousness, Brooke

2:40 PM  

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