Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Falling 4-Way Style

this past saturday, i jumped back into competition skydiving (pun intended) for the first time in about 5 years. it was a ton of fun, but oh my gosh, did i forget how much work it is! i don't even know when the last time was that i did 6 jumps in a day... let alone 4-way jumps.

i was really lucky to join a pick-up team with some great chicks. it was the first time all 4 of us got to jump together. check us out with our video guy...

the competition was actually held at my old home dz, skydive elsinore, so i got to catch up with some old friends i haven't seen in a while. good times!

there are a growing number of disciplines in the sport of skydiving. but 4-way remains one of the most popular. the point is to work through a serious of pre-determined formations as many times as possible in a specific amount of time. (THIS was our set for the event.)

i don't have the video from saturday yet, but i thought i'd show you what champion 4-way looks like. this is a clip of the army's golden knights. (they make it look really easy!)

fun stuff! now where is my bottle of advil....?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Nice moves Army guys! Gee, I wish I could jump out of a plane and do that. Much less, not look like I am going out of my mind.

2:46 PM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

So when do we get to see your video?

1:25 AM  
Blogger Chang Kim said...

And holy crap that's a lot of formations to get you actually get through all of them, let alone multiple times?

1:27 AM  

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