Friday, January 26, 2007


i'm an auntie! well, sort of... jack takayuki hirotsu was born monday night (1/22) at 9:48 pm, and he is perfect in every way. (obviously that is a completely unbiased opinion. right.)

i stole the photo below from joanne and russell's blog...

congratulations mommy and daddy! thanks for letting us share such a very special day with you!

(expect to see a whole lotta jack on this blog from now on. ha ha ha!)


Blogger Russell said...

I'll have to agree that he is indeed...perfection.

And of course you are an auntie! He can hardly wait for his next visit from Auntie Lara!

Thanks for being there for us. All the support from family and friends made the special day fun and exciting. See you soon!

1:34 PM  

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