Thursday, January 25, 2007


sorry that i've been missing in action. getting through the holidays and the start of the new year is always a wild ride. i think i went MIA about this time last year as well.

i'll spare you the complete recap of the last month and a half, but here are a few highlights...

we celebrated the adorable and very prego mommy-to-be joanne...

we had a holiday movie night at the apartment, and the girls all chipped in for a package to go to my adopted soldier, matthew...

friends and family helped me celebrate my last year in my twenties...

there was lots of family madness...

i got to see the rose parade in person for the first time! (thanks grasshopper!)

and we managed to combine a holiday gift exchange tea with a UFC fight night (liddell v. ortiz) at the hirotsu's...

i shared a lovely dinner at napa rose with 2 very special people...

watched a friend, who also happens to be a hodgkin's survivor, finish her first marathon with the help of team in training (go nic!)...

and we celebrated my other favorite mommy-to-be, jenn...

so... yeah... lots of fun stuff! i even started jumping again and made it up for my first snowboarding run of the season.

things are kickin' here at the office, but i should be able to keep up a little better with the blog. we'll see...

anyway, i know it's a little late, but... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! i have a feeling 2007 is going to be a great year!


Blogger Russell said...

It's about time! :) It's a good thing we see you in person from time to time or else we'd be hurtin' without a regular dose of Lara (aka Crazy Auntie Lara).

Glad that the "Tea Party Fight Night" got mentioned!

6:48 PM  
Blogger Miss Lala said...

dude, i started this post about 2 weeks ago. how pathetic is that? ;)

i've got jack at the top of the blog now though, so i'll likely not post anything else for a while. i like having him be the first thing people see. =)

8:32 AM  
Blogger Russell said...

Jack appreciates the front page status. By the way, you made front page on our blog!

10:09 PM  

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