Tuesday, November 28, 2006

'tis better to give than to receive...

that's right party people, it's gift giving time. everybody panic! =)

where are you on your list? me? i think i have like, 3 people done. not so impressive, i know.

anyway, in the spirit of giving and the holiday season, i decided to do something i've been wanting to do for quite a while... i adopted a soldier through soldiersangels.org.

i've heard them promoting on KROQ a few times and they sound like a pretty cool group. they are very serious about your duties as an angel, which is why i wanted to make sure i could properly commit before i signed up. maybe some of you would like to be angels too? if so, you can sign up HERE.

if not, no worries, there is an easier way to send a quick message of support to the troops...

xerox is sponsoring a postcard program that will take you about 30 seconds to do. check it out HERE.


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