Monday, November 20, 2006

Rough Life In The LPC

good ol' la palma. it's a slice of small community in the big OC. we rarely get news coverage, so when we la palmans hear our little town mentioned in media, our ears perk up. sadly, it's usually not a story about our beloved la palma days parade or concerts in the park... no, it is usually a report on criminal activity.

this morning, i heard la palma mentioned in the news break on kroq. apparently some dude selling PS3s via craigslist was pepper-sprayed and robbed when he met up with potential buyers at mcdonalds.

poor guy. it's a sad day in la palma when you can't sell a game console at a grossly inflated price from a mcdonalds parking lot at 1 am. *sigh*

details HERE.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did find it a little odd that I saw a couple different news vans on Walker this morning on the way to school. Typical Asian men and their little computer games. Are there really people out there excited about this game that are older than 20?

10:17 AM  
Blogger Russell said...

I imagine the robbers got a much better deal on their PS3's than this guy who bought 3 "PlayStation 1" units. That's what happens when you don't read things right.


11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, I'm a retard who doesn't know how to post a link. Anyway, they caught the two "men". La Palma Police to the rescue again!

Two men arrested

This is almost as newsworthy...

Dance competition cancelled

9:25 AM  

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