Do You Want To Take These With You?
I got my wisdom teeth out last Friday. I've been meaning to do it for the last... oh... 4 years or so. But they started to hurt quite a bit over the last 6 months, so I figured it was do or die time.
I think I got off relatively easy in the pain department...aside from the giant needle they stuck directly into the roof of my mouth. That was not so much fun. (I didn't get knocked out.)
I had to laugh though, once it was over, they asked me if I wanted them to clean up the teeth to take them home with me. I was like... uhh... no thank you...? I asked if a lot of people did take their teeth with them and they said about half! What does one do with old wisdom teeth? I guess I could have had a nice pair of earrings made. oh well...

It is a wonder I made it home without a dozen men throwing themselves at my feet begging for a date. Oh... baby...
I took my wisdom tooth home. Roots and all.
you look like a vampire in that small pic!
I'm sure you stopped traffic though.
I guess pork chops on Tuesday meant that you are all good and ready to go...that's my girl!
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