Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I Hate Running.

I hope everyone had a nice 3-day weekend and remembered to take a few moments to reflect upon why we take that day off.

i had a great weekend! a definite highlight was running a 5k in laguna hills with jennifer on monday morning. half of the route wound around the streets of leisure world and there were tons of cute little retirees out on their lawn chairs waving little american flags and cheering us on. it was good times for sure!

we signed up for this race about a month ago, as motivation to keep some sort of regular training schedule. it actually worked! i exercised more consistently over this past month than i have in a long time.

we held a pretty good pace and finished in 31 minutes (621 & 622 out of 1321 runners). it's pretty pathetic compared to how fast we used to run in high school, but for us golden girls, we thought it was pretty good.

they actually issued each runner a chip to attach to their shoe. time started when you hit the pad at the start line and stopped when you hit the pad at the finish line. gotta love technology!

but the best part was that if you pre-registered, you could have a personal quote printed on your race bib. there were a lot of messages of support, religious references and team names...but our favorite one, by far, simply said: "i hate running". jennifer and i were kicking ourselves for not coming up with that one. funny stuff.

anyway, this was such a positive experience that i am giving thought to participating in the mud run again this year. the race that benefits the ymca falls in october each year. jenn and i will probably hit up one more 5k as well as a 10k before the pendleton race actually comes around, so if you are interested in joining up with any of these little adventures, let me know. the more, the merrier!


Blogger Russell said...

Good work! I need to get back into running. I'm horrible now.

2:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for you! I'll join in for the next 5K!!

8:56 AM  

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