Monday, April 24, 2006

Live Rent Free -OR- Sit In Jail?

so... this past saturday night, my family decided to break out our very worn monopoly board (which is older than i am). it doesn't come out too often because this board game somehow turns our nice little family into maniacs. like, seriously...
property-crazed maniacs.

it started out innocent enough, but after a few glasses of wine and some shrewd aquisitions, thing started to get a little interesting. for example, my mom was being a real hard ass with her park place/boardwalk deal, so i called her the iron claw and my brother followed suit by... well... i don't know what he was doing. but i have a picture of it...

anyway, i was quite proud of myself because i came up with the first ever "rent-free agreement" in michalek history. i made a few deals that landed me with rent free positions on every side of the board. but once the cat was out of the bag, there were rent-free deals flying all over the place.

the crazy thing is, after all of the wheeling and dealing, gina (my brother's girlfriend) kicked all of our butts by owning only the fuscia block of properties (with hotels) and sitting in jail as much as possible, so she wouldn't have to pay rent by landing on other properties. what the?!

anyway, it was 1 am when we finally called the game and i can't remember having that much fun with the fam in a long time. Good stuff!


Blogger Russell said...

Ahh, Monopoly. It's hard for me to find anyone to play with these days. Haven't played in ages because no one wants to play a 5 hour game. It's great though. Rent-free deals? Brilliant! The "stay in jail" technique becomes real popular when everyone gets stacked up with hotels. The memories...

Anyone want to play?

7:48 AM  

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