Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sandee's All Stars

so... it's been a while since i've gone on a donation rampage. this year i thought i'd go beyond seeking out donations for an event i'm participating in. so, i've decided to captain a team and drag you all down with me. =)

the la palma relay for life is on june 9th & 10th this year. if you'd like to join our team, sandee's all stars, you can do so here:

(just click on "join our team")

or you can always be an honorary team member by supporting my fundraising efforts and donating to the cause here:

even if you are not participating in the event as a registered team member, we'd be glad to have you join the festivities. so i'll be posting more information about that when we get closer to the event.

thanks as always for all of the love and support. you all are the reason i can participate in events like this and support the fight against cancer.

together we can find a cure!

This photo is from the 2004 relay.

my dad built that sign in honor of mom, the official mascot of HOPE.

Friday, January 26, 2007


i'm an auntie! well, sort of... jack takayuki hirotsu was born monday night (1/22) at 9:48 pm, and he is perfect in every way. (obviously that is a completely unbiased opinion. right.)

i stole the photo below from joanne and russell's blog...

congratulations mommy and daddy! thanks for letting us share such a very special day with you!

(expect to see a whole lotta jack on this blog from now on. ha ha ha!)


last week, i experienced one of the most innovative shows i have ever encountered. it took the best theatrical and performance elements of cirque du soleil and combined them with an amazing display of equestrian training, while maintaining a prevalent focus on the relationship between horse and human. this stunning group is called Cavalia.

they are here through the 28th, and then i believe they travel to europe. if you have nothing to do this weekend, you might try to see them. you won't be disappointed.

Thursday, January 25, 2007


sorry that i've been missing in action. getting through the holidays and the start of the new year is always a wild ride. i think i went MIA about this time last year as well.

i'll spare you the complete recap of the last month and a half, but here are a few highlights...

we celebrated the adorable and very prego mommy-to-be joanne...

we had a holiday movie night at the apartment, and the girls all chipped in for a package to go to my adopted soldier, matthew...

friends and family helped me celebrate my last year in my twenties...

there was lots of family madness...

i got to see the rose parade in person for the first time! (thanks grasshopper!)

and we managed to combine a holiday gift exchange tea with a UFC fight night (liddell v. ortiz) at the hirotsu's...

i shared a lovely dinner at napa rose with 2 very special people...

watched a friend, who also happens to be a hodgkin's survivor, finish her first marathon with the help of team in training (go nic!)...

and we celebrated my other favorite mommy-to-be, jenn...

so... yeah... lots of fun stuff! i even started jumping again and made it up for my first snowboarding run of the season.

things are kickin' here at the office, but i should be able to keep up a little better with the blog. we'll see...

anyway, i know it's a little late, but... HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! i have a feeling 2007 is going to be a great year!