Tuesday, November 28, 2006

'tis better to give than to receive...

that's right party people, it's gift giving time. everybody panic! =)

where are you on your list? me? i think i have like, 3 people done. not so impressive, i know.

anyway, in the spirit of giving and the holiday season, i decided to do something i've been wanting to do for quite a while... i adopted a soldier through soldiersangels.org.

i've heard them promoting on KROQ a few times and they sound like a pretty cool group. they are very serious about your duties as an angel, which is why i wanted to make sure i could properly commit before i signed up. maybe some of you would like to be angels too? if so, you can sign up HERE.

if not, no worries, there is an easier way to send a quick message of support to the troops...

xerox is sponsoring a postcard program that will take you about 30 seconds to do. check it out HERE.

Monday, November 20, 2006

almost turkey time

wow...seriously? we are only days from thanksgiving? how the heck did that happen? i was sure we were still somewhere in early october.

anyway, i thought it might be fun to revisit the rvb thanksgiving video from 2004, since i didn't have a blog to post it on back then...

check it out HERE.

Rough Life In The LPC

good ol' la palma. it's a slice of small community in the big OC. we rarely get news coverage, so when we la palmans hear our little town mentioned in media, our ears perk up. sadly, it's usually not a story about our beloved la palma days parade or concerts in the park... no, it is usually a report on criminal activity.

this morning, i heard la palma mentioned in the news break on kroq. apparently some dude selling PS3s via craigslist was pepper-sprayed and robbed when he met up with potential buyers at mcdonalds.

poor guy. it's a sad day in la palma when you can't sell a game console at a grossly inflated price from a mcdonalds parking lot at 1 am. *sigh*

details HERE.

Monday, November 06, 2006


sometimes mondays are just poo. like, really... poo.

whenever i run into one of those kind of mondays, i know i can find a pick-me-up HERE. i don't care how many times you've seen them, they're always good times.

and if that doesn't quite do it, i turn to another dynamic duo HERE.

is it friday yet?