Friday, June 30, 2006

To Walk Or To Run...That Is The Question

I read an interesting article today that refuted the idea that you burn the same amount of calories whether you run or walk a mile.

Like the author, I was sure that no matter how you covered that mile, you burned about the same amount of calories, but we were way off.

Not only that, but I had never considered the difference between total calories burned vs. net calories burned. I hadn't ever bothered to account for calories that I'd already be burning even if I was sitting on the couch watching TV. Doh!

Anyway, you can read more about this in Amby Burfoot's article HERE.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

How Gay Are You?

This is what they had to say about me...

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Do You Want To Take These With You?

I got my wisdom teeth out last Friday. I've been meaning to do it for the last... oh... 4 years or so. But they started to hurt quite a bit over the last 6 months, so I figured it was do or die time.

I think I got off relatively easy in the pain department...aside from the giant needle they stuck directly into the roof of my mouth. That was not so much fun. (I didn't get knocked out.)

I had to laugh though, once it was over, they asked me if I wanted them to clean up the teeth to take them home with me. I was like... uhh... no thank you...? I asked if a lot of people did take their teeth with them and they said about half! What does one do with old wisdom teeth? I guess I could have had a nice pair of earrings made. oh well...

The best part though, was that they made me drive home with the gauze hanging out of my mouth. Oh yeah, talk about hotness! Hello!?

It is a wonder I made it home without a dozen men throwing themselves at my feet begging for a date. Oh... baby...

Monday, June 19, 2006

Paddle Paddle Paddle!!!

Jer and I celebrated Father's Day with dear old Dad on the Kern River. After talking it over with Mom, we decided he needed to get the heck out of the city. And you don't get much farther out of the city than Kernville.

We did the 2-day lower Kern trip with White Water Voyages. I can't recommend this company enough. If you are considering rafting anywhere in California, chances are, this group will give you the best run for your money.

We had a phenomenal time and frankly, I can't wait to get back on the river soon. So if anyone is interested in a little paddle-time, let me know, I'll join you!

We took a water-proof camera, but I don't have those photos yet. Perhaps I'll post them sometime down the line. In the meantime, here is my favorite photo I snagged at camp. One of the guides on the trip showed me how he meditates... through stacking rocks.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Arrrrr! Happy Birthday Matey!

We celebrated my dad's 60th on Saturday night at the Pirate's Dinner Show. (Dad is a fan of the pirate scene.) Good show, although they have nothing on Jack Sparrow.

Interested in visiting?
Check it out here.




His actual birthday was this past Thursday. And my friend Connie (a marketing mastermind over at Disney), being the awesome friend she is, dropped a special surprise for him on the doorstep...

His very own set of pirate Mickey ears. Now how cool is that?!


Don't forget, we are only 3 months away from

Talk Like A Pirate Day!

Friday, June 09, 2006

I Lost The Burger Battle

There was an interesting article from Business Week here. (Scroll down to "Video Games Are The Best Revenge".) It talks about games that mock certain corporate giants.

I decided to give the McDonald's game a go. The site is way too involved for my ADD brain to pay much attention, but I figured out the basics and gave it a go. This was the result:

Oh well, I guess I'll not be taking over the McDonald's empire anytime soon. Perhaps you'll have better luck! Happy Friday everyone!

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Never-Ending Photo

Okay, you need to have Shockwave installed for this to work. (It will give you a prompt to take care of that if need be.) It's worth it.

Click Here! Then click in the white box each time a photo comes up.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

My Rusty Halo

i fell in love with the angels back in the '97 season. living down the street from the stadium, i made a run for the cheap seats with friends a few times, just because we were looking for something different to do. but then, something odd happened, i actually started paying more attention to the game than my peanuts and cracker jacks. (and you know me, it's almost always all about the food.)

anyway, by the time the 2002 world series rolled around, i was in a full blown love affair with the angels. i'd gone to more games than i ever thought i'd attend in an entire lifetime. it was good times.

fast forward to the start of the 2003 season. i tried to get tickets to the opening day for my brother and i and they were sold out weeks in advance! WHAT? the year before, we walked up to the ticket booth 5 minutes before the game started on opening day and got great seats. this was the day the tide turned.

for the rest of the season, it was hard to get seats in the outfield (my favorite "cheap seat" area) without buying them in advance. booo. so...i went to less games, but still caught a good amount of the action on the tele.

it was also in 2003 that arte moreno came into my life. with his purchase of the angels came lower beer prices, but also a whole lotta drama. little arte decided that the club could be better publicized if it was affiliated with los angeles.

now, arte is a shrewd business man. he didn't come to be a millionaire by winning the lottery, he got there with a lot of hard work and ambition. but this time, i would have to say, his head was up his...well, not in the right place. the los angeles angels of anaheim...right.

there was a huge backlash and lawsuits with the city ensued. disgruntled fans openly expressed their rage. it was chaos everywhere. i found myself watching less games. and suddenly, the entire 2005 season blew by without me walking through the stadium gates even once. i had officially lost that lovin' feeling.

recently though, i've found myself checking out a game here and there. hmmm....

and just last week, i found myself in a slight state of jealousy because my friend russ blogged about his visit to the boeing luxury suite at dodger stadium. ( )

then, strangely enough, i got an e-mail from my roommate on tuesday. she said her company had a suite at angel stadium for wednesday night and asked if i wanted to go. oh my! (i have the best roommate ever.)

so last night, i made my return to angel stadium in style. the suite was great, and kristine's co-workers were lots of fun. but best of all, i found myself completely enthralled with the game. and although we lost, i walked away with a smile, because i was once again an angels fan.



ps- for all you idol fans, ace young sang the national anthem, as well as take me out to the ball game. kristine and i are the only 2 people on the planet who don't watch idol, so someone had to point him out to us.