Friday, June 13, 2008

Thank you!

i sent the following e-mail out on monday, but just in case, i thought i'd post it here as well...

From: Lara Michalek
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 4:03 PM
Subject: Thanks for making the Relay For Life a HUGE success!

Helloooooooo All Stars!

Wow! What a Relay! We had an amazing weekend and it was all thanks to you! Your support made this event an overwhelming success!

I’m proud to announce that we raised over $11,500 for the fight against cancer, making us the #1 fundraising team at the La Palma/Buena Park Relay this year. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that we would raise nearly double the amount of our original $6,000 goal. There aren’t words to express my gratitude for your generosity. (The event as a whole raised $85,000 this year, and donations are still coming in!)

We had more than 50 All Stars representing us on the track over the 24 hour period (including 1 who actually walked an entire marathon), and our positive vibe did not go unnoticed. We walked away with the award for most spirited team (for the second year in a row). In fact, I couldn’t go 20 minutes without hearing someone comment on how impressive and inspiring our group was. I kept thinking to myself, if you only knew how truly awesome they are, it would blow your mind!

I gave a speech at the opening ceremonies about why we Relay, and I made it almost all the way through without crying, but I lost it when I hit the line: “I Relay in celebration of my friends and relatives, who have always been there to support my family in our battle against this disease.” You people… You are each a treasured blessing.

Well, before my emotions spill out all over this e-mail, I guess I should wrap it up. I just wanted to say thank you one last time from the bottom of my family’s heart.

We love you all very much!

Together we will find a cure!


Lara Michalek


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