Friday, June 19, 2009

Relay For Life 2009

I know it's a little late (one day I will not lag so hard with posting stuff) but I thought I'd post the thank you e-mail I sent out after this year's Relay, just in case it didn't make it to your inbox...

----- Original Message -----
From: Lara Michalek
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 11:22 AM
Subject: Thanks for making the Relay For Life a HUGE success for Sandee's All Stars!

Hey All Stars!

Well, congratulations are in order!!! With your help, Sandee's All Stars raised over $15,000 for the American Cancer Society, making us the top fundraising team at the La Palma/Buena Park Relay For Life for the second year in a row!

In a year where most other Relay's have been seeing fundraising drop by an average of 50% from the previous year, our Relay not only beat our final total from last year by over 20%, but also succeeded in reaching a long time goal of breaking the $100,000 mark. Unbelievable numbers, and it is all thanks to Relay supporters like you!

This year, we had over 70 All Stars representing us on the track over the 24 hour period, including 2 who managed to complete a marathon! The spirit behind our team is incredible and never ceases to amaze me. I simply can't thank you enough for being a part of this very important event!

Mom always loved the Relay, because it not only brought attention and support for a vital cause, but it also offered an opportunity for those she loved to gather and celebrate life together. Whether you were able to join us over the weekend, or if you were just with us in spirit, I want to thank you for continuing Mom's legacy. I know she was proudly watching over us with a very full heart.

Thanks, as always, for the continued love and support. You keep us moving forward with a smile, even in the tough times. We love you all very much!

Together we will find a cure!


Lara Michalek

PS: Please pass this on! I don’t have e-mail addresses for everyone who donated, but I would love for them to know how thankful we are for their support.