Tuesday, February 10, 2009

a post from my dad on the proposed vet tax...

California wants to legislate a 9% tax on all veterinary services, including meds & cost of surgeries, neutering, etc. (I touched on this in a previous post: HERE.)

An additional 9% would discourage many from giving their pets care. What would this do to farmers and ranchers to treat their livestock as well? Would they have to pass the cost along which would raise the price of food?

This is serious business for anyone utilizing professional medical care for their animals. Please call the Sacramento line and push the buttons. The line is open 24/7 for you to make a difference and pass the word to others.

Say NO to taxes on our vet services!

This only takes 5 seconds - you can punch the numbers one after the other.

Dial (916) 445-2841 then 1 - 5 - 1 - 2

Press 1 for English.

Press 5 for the veterinary tax proposal.

Press 1 if you're calling about the veterinary tax proposal

Press 2 to oppose the tax


Monday, February 09, 2009

it never HAILS in southern california...?

over the last couple of days, we've had some pretty decent (and much needed) rainfall. on saturday, the rain stopped for a while, and the sun came out... so i thought, sweet, a break in the weather! go run your errands now!

so i threw on my trusty flip flops and made a break for it. i thought it might sprinkle a bit, but i was just going to be out for a an hour, so i figured i'd chance it with the footwear. i had no idea it was going to HAIL!

the hail hung in for a good 20 minutes, and then as quick as it came, it disappeared, leaving an awfully pretty sky behind...


a few weeks ago, we made a quick run for yosemite. and although we were only there for 40 hours, it turned out to be a perfect visit.

we got really lucky with the weather: sunshine when we were on the road, snow when we were inside the cabin.

we always stay inside the park, in a small nest of houses called yosemite west. we've rented from a company called scenic wonders three times now, and we've always been pleased.

anyway, i know a lot of people visit in the warmer months, but i thought i'd toss up a few photos so you could see what a neat winter destination it can be as well.