Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Communist Republic of La Palma

i know i know, i should be posting my new zealand stuff. i'm working on that. in the meantime, i thought i'd slap up a quickie post about the grand ol' LP. you might remember my post about la palma being ranked as one of the best places to live... well apparently it's not one of the best places to live if you want to paint your house gold...

(thanks for the tip, connie!)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008
La Palma house colors could be restricted

LA PALMA – The City Council agreed Tuesday night to take a close look at restricting what colors residents can paint their houses, in response to concerns by some homeowners who say garish-looking homes bring down property values.

The city would follow the footsteps of neighboring Cerritos in Los Angeles County, which has a palate of beiges, grays and greens that owners must follow when repainting their homes. Owners in that city must submit a free permit complete with a sample of what color they intend to paint their homes.

Large homeowners' groups, common in south county, sometimes have such painting restrictions. But it is rare for a municipality to adopt such a law.

La Palma council members expressed mixed feelings about the proposal, introduced by Councilman Larry Herman, saying they did not like the idea of telling property owners how to paint their homes.

But some said they understood the concerns of the dozens of residents who showed up to voice their support for the proposed ordinance.

“Property values are more determined by the economy, not by the color of a house,” Councilwoman Christine Barnes said.

Most of the residents present scoffed at her opposition to the proposed city law, and invited council members to drive through the city and ask themselves whether they would want to live next door to a home painted an odd color.

Most of the concerned residents came from Achilles Drive, near Andrew Drive, where they say a house is painted bright gold.

“We don't like to be burdened with rules and regulations – you have your right to appreciate the beauty that you see on your property,” resident Russell Moore, 61, said to the council. “But if it brings down the property (value) of my house, if it's an eyesore to me, then it's a problem.”

Should this proposal become law, it is unclear whether houses' current colors would be allowed to stay the same if they didn't meet the approved palate. Or how the law would be enforced.


it's not that i don't think some of the houses in the LP could use a little help in the color department, but seriously... do we really need a law? at least chris barnes piped up for the opposition. go chris!