Tuesday, January 22, 2008

watch me jump off stuff...

2 months since i last blogged. kind of pathetic...

but you all know i've had some pretty darn good stuff keeping me busy. between all the holiday madness, hitting the big 3-0 and my crazy adventure in new zealand, i haven't had much time to breathe, let alone blog. but fear not, as soon as i can dig out from under the pile on my desk, i'll be sure to post recaps.

in the meantime, i managed to get all but 1 of my bungys and both canyon swings up on youtube, so i thought i'd post those really quick... (it's a lot of video to watch in one shot and can get kind of boring.)

this was my first bungy. i jumped from the harbour bridge in auckland on new year's eve...

my next bungy was a few weeks later, down in queenstown, from the nevis highwire. 440 feet. hello!

the next 2 were cake after that beast. i still need to edit down the jump from the ledge, so that video will have to wait. here's some photos for now. i went matrix-style, sans-trench coat. shoot 'em up keanu!

and here's my 4th and final bungy, at the site of the "first" bungy ever, the kawarau bridge. i got dunked!

i did something else neat called the canyon swing, and that was a blast! backwards the first time around...

flipping out the second time...

i'm still catching my breath from all of the adventures i had in nz. the trip was beyond anything i could have dreamed up.

thanks a million to all of you for sending me off with so much love at my birthday party. it meant so much to have you all with me for that tragic occasion. ;)

anyway, i hope 2008 is treating you all very well! i can't wait to see what else it has in store for me. so far, it's been a wild ride!

i promise to post again soon!

blue skies!