Monday, November 12, 2007

Point Break - LIVE!

friday night, i experienced something unlike anything you could ever dream of: a live stage-performance of the epic movie POINT BREAK!!!

i had read about this show back when i blogged about the sequel to point break. at that time, they mentioned the live show was coming to LA, they just didn't say when. so when i heard them talking about it on Kevin & Bean (on KROQ) a few weeks ago, i was so excited, i nearly crashed my car. i knew who to turn to for support: russell. i jumped on gmail...

me: YO YO YO! uh, did you hear them talking about the point break theatrical production on kevin and bean this morning. it's finally opening. we need to go.

Russ: No way.
You have the details?

me: only plays on the weekends... we could wait a while and go after the holidays... but i'm really excited it is finally here.

Russ: We can be Keanu!
Randomly chosen from the audience!

me: I KNOW!

Russ: I am an FBI agent. This is a must.

once russ quoted the movie, i knew this couldn't wait. we had to see it immediately. because of the short notice, we only had a small group that went. but fear not my good people, we are planning to go again! (after the holidays, when things aren't so chaotic.)

russell grabbed some awesome shots from the evening...

the stage was set in the center of a bar...

they sold survival kits for $1. my poncho rocks!

obviously, the skydiving scenes were my favorite!

russ and i almost never post about the same thing, but this was one of the rare occasions that merited duplicate posts. see more photos and commentary on his blog HERE.

THIS is the official website with all the details. i'll send an e-mail out in january with info on a mass migration from the OC. the place only seats 200, so i think we could likely hoard a good chunk of it. it's definitely something you don't want to miss. you get a lot of bang for your twenty bucks, plus you can drink during the performance... does it get any better than that? i think not.

100% pure adrenaline!

Self-Serve Frozen Yogurt

as you know, i luvs me some golden spoon. these people gave me a frozen treat that tastes like cake batter, but is non-fat and low in calories. as far as i am concerned, they should be on the nobel peace prize nomination list.

during my love affair with the spoon, i have had only one complaint, i wish i could pick how much of what flavor i got and add how ever many toppings i want. enter: the self-serve frozen yogurt shop.

i had heard of this mystical place a few times, but never managed to actually visit until recently. people, you have not lived until you have experienced 15 flavors of yogurt and 50 different toppings at your disposal.

i beg of you, go serve yourself some yogurt. it will change your life for the better! a few places you might try:

surf city yogurt - huntington beach
(i found this place on the net. i haven't actually visited.)

yogurtland - fullerton & irvine

if someone would throw some franchise power behind self-serve yogurt, pinkberry would fade into history... and we'd finally achieve world peace.