Friday, March 30, 2007


i've always considered the fact that i didn't make it to sanrio puroland to be the biggest mistake i made during my entire semester in japan.

i'm not kidding.

since then, i've wondered how i could make up for said mistake. and i think i've finally found the answer. yesterday, my friend connie sent me a few photos that were posted on, it was clear to me... i must have a very kitty wedding...



Monday, March 19, 2007

March Madness!

so, basketball plays a pretty minimal part in my life. but, i caught a little bit of the tournament yesterday while at joanne and russ' place. the most memorable part of that experience was not any particular play, but instead, it was the name of a broadcaster: jim spanarkel. now that is a name!

if he wasn't married with 4 kids, i'd be on my way to new jersey right now to track him down. i mean, lara spanarkel? come on!

(man i love wikipedia! they make finding out about random quasi-celebs so easy! well, except when they go falsely spouting off that sinbad is dead.)

anyway, sorry the blog is still in lag mode. better posts to come... maybe. ha ha ha!

while you are waiting for said "better posts" to show up, perhaps you'd like to donate to the RELAY FOR LIFE. you know you want to!

happy monday peeps!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

i'm an auntie... again!

this morning, i had my second encounter with newborn perfection. after a slightly bumpy road to delivery, little mr. rylan kordiolis made his grand entrance yesterday around 2 in the afternoon.
mommy, daddy and baby are all doing well, and finally catching their breath from the marathon labor process that started saturday evening.
okay, enough blabber. i know you are way more interested in the photos. check out the head of hair on this kid!

Thursday, March 01, 2007

another way down

last october, i lugged my butt down to the floor of the grand canyon and back on foot. silly me, i could have flown...

click HERE to read about the logistics of this video shoot.
(posted today on